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The Revenant Shades


For millennia, there has existed a powerful Void Lord known only as 'The Mother'. The Mother's origins are unknown, but it is suspected that she was one of the first mortal beings in the cosmos to be able to gain mastery over the void, and not succumb to its control. As a result of this, she ascended to a sort of reluctant God-hood among the denizens of the Void. Long she waited, manipulating events and recruiting in the background, until she concluded that in order to return to the mortal plane, she would need agents on the other side. After thousands of years of trial and error, the Mother (having now forgotten any of her mortal names) managed to make contact with a mortal who would be willing to do her bidding in exchange for her secrets of Void Mastery.
This was the first brother, known as 'The Herald'. It was his mission to recruit others to their cause, amd embed them in any and all forces of the void with access to the mortal plane, until one of them could work out how to free their Mother.
The Herald recruited eight brothers, from various planets across the cosmos, each willing to exchange their freedom for power and a place in the order the The Mother was poised to create.
The ninth and newest brother, known as 'The Cabalist' was able to infiltrate Nzoth's army on Azeroth, setting about a situation where he would face the Avatar of the Celestials, Thalrian Guilderglade, and unknown to Thalrian, his magic would destroy only The Cabalist's physical form, allowing his conciousness to inhabit the mind of a Bronze Dragon. The Cabalist was able to use this newfound power to manipulate events in Azeroth's history, and bring about enough chaos to allow his Brothers to come forth from the Void, to usher in the age of their Mother.

The Nine Brothers

The Nine Brothers each serve their Mother in their own capacity. Each of them ascended mortality, gaining power and ultimately being foiled in some way, and sent to the Void for eternity. Each time a brother was banished, a new one would be recruited to try again. This occurred thiusands of times over the eons, most minds being too weak, and instead of serving The Mother would join the infinite song of the Void. Those strong enough became these brother, known by some as the Mother's sons.

The Herald

The Herald was the first, and the only brother to directly recruit for the Mother on his homeworld. Although the world itself has long since been forgotten, it is remembered that The Herald was persecuted for his worship and growing power in the Void, and that upon his mortal desth he joined the Mother for eternity.

The Herald is by far the most powerful of the Nine Brothers, but also the most insane. His mind is not as strong as his Mothers, and although she has tried to peotect all her children, time is waning his sanity thin. The Herald must return to the mortal plane soon or be lost to the chorus.

The Overlord

The Overlord was the second brother. A power hungry despot in life, The Overlord was enticed with the prospect of dominating other cosmic forces besides the Void in service of The Mother. He experimented on them all, finding Death by far the most interesting. The denizens of the Void are taught to fesr death, but this anxiety only spurred The Overlord further in that direction.

It is believed that this brother learned the death-centric magic of domination, and has a mastery over undead that most in the Void would fear.

It is believed that when death eventually claimed him, The Overlord begged his Mother to be sent to where mortals go when they die to study death further, but this was refused oit of fear. The Overlord is potentially one of the most dangerous threats to Azeroth, due to the presence of the Scourge.

The Infiltrator

The Infiltrator saw the failure in his predecessor as not the use of other forces, but his obsession with binding them to his will so overtly. The Infiltrator would instead nest himself inside incredibly powerful mortal organisations, and pull strings from the inside. In doing this he was almost successful in bringing forth The Mother, but was foiled by greed and impatience.

The Infiltrators lasting legacy was a proof of concept, that it was indeed possible to use primitive mortal magics to summon The Mother and her sons from the Void. They were getting closer.

The Inquisitor

The Inquisitor was sought by The Mother for his ruthless unwavering quest for knowledge. The offer of an attempt to defy the will of the cosmic forces and bring a Void Lord onto the mortal plane was tantilising, and so the Inquisitor got to work.

As a revered magister on his homeworld, The Inquisitor had immense resources at his disposal, amd near free reign to do it. The Inquisitor perfected the designs of The Infiltrator, and had everything prepared.

The Inquisitor's world was obliterated by the Burning Legion during the final preparations, and the influx of Fel Magic into the summoning ritual was physically felt by The Mother on the other side. This blast was so powerful it freed The Brothers, and allowed them to return to the mortal plane in a weakened state.

The Farseer

Now with her sons all out at once across the cosmos, The Mother sought a being who could be used as a vessel to predict the future, in order for their plans to not be foiled again. She found a race on a distant planet capable of absorbing cosmic energies and becoming a being of that energy; the Dreadlords. The Farseer was instructed to take on both the Light and the Void in an attempt to gain a vision of the future. Although the sustained clashing of these forces ripped his mortal form apart, The Farseer was able to gain a vision of one of his successors fighting a mortal infused with the Celestial cosmic power of life, and that in his successors defeat they will usher in the coming of The Mother.

The Reflection

The Reflection saw the vision of his predecessor, and decided to spend untold ages learning the art of mimicking his opponents. This brother will become an exact reflection of his opponent, and believed that if he was to be the one to usher in The Mother, he must match this celestial god at every turn, and then they will die together.

The Reflection was never defeated, and thus has never met The Mother, but is even keener to see her come forth so he can meet her for the first time.

The Fatale

Not much is known about The Fatale, the master seducer is very elusive, and it is said that there have been multiple brothers fulfill this role; each one groomed by the last. The Fatale doesn't seem to factor into the grand plan to unleash The Mother, and he is aware of this. Instead of working toward the goal of the other brother, The Fatale is instead manipulating pieces to ensure that The Mother has a new world order to rule over on the suspected homeland of the Celestial Mortal from The Farseer's vision; Azeroth.

The Machinator

The Machinator is the second youngest brother, and fulfilled his role of making contact with the Old Gods of Azeroth and selling himself and his brother into their ranks. The Machinator entered the service of Yasaraj in the ancient times, and was killed when the Titans ripped this Old God out of the world.

Because of his schemes, The Cabalist was successfully implanted into Nzoth's army, rising up the ranks until he would lead the assault on the Veil of the Eternal Blossoms.

The Cabalist

The youngest brother, known as The Cabalist would be recruited from the Human Race of Azeroth for his purpose. Not much is known about his life, only that he was one of the earliest human descendants from the Vrykul. With an interest in powerful magics, The Mother made contact with him in her usual way, but she was disappointed with how ordinary he was.

The Cabalist was reluctantly allowed to become the ninth brother, implanted by his older brother The Machinator into Nzoth's army. From Nyalotha, The Cabalist schemed and waited, slowly

Current Locations of The Revenant Shades

The Herald - Unknown
The Overlord - Northrend
The Infiltrator - Defeated, Eastern Plaguelands
The Inquisitor - Defeated, The Jade Forest
The Farseer - Unknown
The Reflection - Blackfathom Deeps
The Fatale - Unknown
The Machinator - Karazhan
The Cabalist - Defeated, The Veiled Stair
The Mother - Unknown, Not on Azeroth


The Mother acts as a defacto leader to the 9 Brothers, while there is a suspected hierarchy among the brothers, none know for certain.

"In service of our Mother"

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Revenants, The Mother's Children, The Dark Family


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