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Yalu Brightburn (ya-loo)

Captain Yalu Brightburn (a.k.a. Syriza)


Upbringing and Early Life

Yalu was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, brought up as the sole daughter of a wealthy baron of Stormwind with her entire path paved before her. She would receive education on acting as a proper lady, learn the ways of the territory and its different houses, and lastly be married off to another wealthy baron to unite the houses.
However things never quite tend to play out how you expect them to.
At the age of fourteen Yalu suffered from her first ever seizure. She was attending a tea party at another noble lady's house. What triggered it is still a mystery to this day, but all she remembers is the feeling of wind blowing through her hair she is plummeting face first towards the ground, she only barely managed to rotate her body so that she landed on her side instead of stomach.
The feeling after that was immense pain, pain so terribly she would never forget it. After having fallen off of the Balcony, Yalu was quickly surrounded by guards that quickly brought her to a doctor to get checked up on. The healer was quick to stop all external bleedings, but Yalu's shoulder was broken and out of place. No matter how much energy was put into channeling the light, the pain never disappeared from her left arm.
Several healers and doctor checked up on her over the following days, they tried all they could muster but no matter the method her arm remained immobile and painful. At the dusk of the fourth day she was declared a cripple and was told she would never be able to move her left arm again.
After the incident Yalu's father grew incapable of handling the grief, he shut her away in her room. Seeing her as nothing but a disgrace and an eyesore to the family name. His glorious daughter fit to marry into any capable bachelor could not be a cripple, this was but a nightmare that he would wake up from and once again see his loveable daughter as she once was. But the end of the nightmare never came. He soon grew to rely on alcohol, illegal narcotics and gambling to cope with the situation.
Upon her sixteenth birthday, Yalu had grown fed up with being isolated away from her friends and family. She would sneak out of the house to get some fresh air, however little did she know that this outdoor trip would change her life for the better.

After having roamed around Stormwind aimlessly she was found by the knights of Stormwind to which she was questioned as to what a 16 year old would be doing out all on her own during schooling hours. After having explained her situation to the guard they pleaded with her, clearly pitying her miserable situation. They decided to not bring her home, but brought her to the Stormwind knights training ground where there could be eyes on her at all times and she would be safe.
As Yalu observed the knights and squires do their job from a distance, she was infatuated. It was as if something awoke in her she couldn't keep herself in her seat, the way the knights used the sword was impressive, she couldn't take her eyes off them. It was everything she wanted to do.
This was her calling, everything she wanted to do, she needed to not let this opportunity slip past her. Yalu ran as fast as she could down towards the guard captain, taking several men by surprise as they didn't expect her to be able to move that fast. As she stood in front of the captain who was dumbfounded as to what this small girl could possibly want from her. She blurted out at the top of her lungs.
"Please sir knight captain! You must allow me to take up squire hood for one of your knights, I plead with everything that I am, I will work hard every day even till my bones shatter under the stress! Never in my life have I wanted something so much and not known till I seen it!"
The captain already flabbergasted at the prospect of the daughter of a noble staying near the knights training grounds, they were taken further aback by Yalu's sudden prayer. However after preparing themselves to shatter the poor girly's dreams, something inside him could not bring himself to just push her away. The look she had in her eyes was one of pure resolve and determination. It was a look he had only ever seen in the most esteemed knights of the army of the Alliance.
Yalu after finding home was even more determined, she was not given squire hood but was instead allowed to come and observe the knights whenever her schedule allowed it, which just happened to be barren for the foreseeable future.
After reaching the age of seventeen Yalu was on a first name basis with almost knight stationed in the barracks and training grounds of Stormwind, she had slowly become known as the poster girl of the knights. Despite all of this, due to her disability she was not given any leeway in regards to receiving squire hood.
That was until one fateful day, when she had gotten fed up with the lack of results in her pleading. She decided to take matters into her own hand.
Sneaking into the barracks was child's play for her these days, she knew every guards shift change by heart at this point. She would find the shoddiest weapon of all and stealthily sneak off with it to practice in secret. However no matter how hard she searched she seemed incapable of finding a weapon that would go unnoticed. As she searched endlessly through the barracks, she entered the knight captains chambers her eyes caught fire. On the table of the captains room there laid a sword so utterly magnificent that Yalu was drawn to it, this was it, she needed this sword.

She tried to lift the blade using only her right arm but it was too heavy for her, her left arm was trembling, she needed this sword. It was as if the blade was calling her name, she put she could muster into it, unbeknownst to even her, Yalu's left arm had begun to move towards the shaft of the blade.
After what felt like ages finally found the strength to lift the blade, it was heavy, heavier than anything she had ever carried before. At the bottom of the blade, a small light source had begun to glow a bright red. The glow was mesmerizing to Yalu she knew this was what she needed, but just as she had gotten a proper grip on the blade her name was called out loud.
She looked behind her to see none other than the knight captain himself looking utterly infuriated from head to toe. And beside her stood a figure she never in her wildest dreams thought would perchance encounter. The very leader of the Alliance stood before her, King Varian Wrynn.

She was paralyzed with fear, only now did she realize how royally screwed she was, she had just been caught sneaking into the captains office of the knights barracks and stealing what she could only assume to be a very important blade right in front of the leader of the Alliance himself.
As she stood quivering in fear before the two towering men before her, a light chuckle began to sound throughout the room. Yalu did not register who the chuckle came from, but was soon taken aback further when the king himself took a knee before her to get down on her eye level. It was not an angry expression on the lords face, but that of a soothing smile instead. The words that followed will be forever engrained in Yalu's mind.
"In your current state you are pushing everything that you are to just hold up the blade. However, Shala'mayne has approved of your resolve and so shall I. So let me ask you little one, why do you wish to fight. Your answer shall pave your path"
As Yalu gazed into his pure blue eyes, she felt no longer fear, instead it was as if something else awoke in her yet again. She didn't take long to give the great lion king just the answer that he was looking for.
To be Continued...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yalu whilst framed very slimly has a quite muscular psysique, she stands quite tall despite her gender and usually towers over most prominent male figures.

Body Features

Her blonde hair whilst quite soft, shows signs of tiredness due to stress and anxiety.

Facial Features

Yalu is of noble birth and born from a line of charming woman, leading to her inheriting her mothers jade-like beauty.   Her face shows no sign of injury, fatigue or stress which is something she holds in high regard and tries to maintain

Identifying Characteristics

Instead of tying a ponytail she wears a scarlet headband to keep it in place during combat   Her combat stance takes a focus on having her right side facing forward, due to the lack of feeling she has in her right arm she feels most comfortable using her feelingless limb as a front and a shield

Apparel & Accessories

Yalu wears chainmail with heavy plate armor as a layer on top, her armor is similar to the 7th legion regalia but with a mix of leather and plate to allow for more ease in movement.   She adorns a scarlet red headband that she inherited from ex comanding officer who died on the battlefield

Yalu Brightburn, Leader of the organization Syriza. Awoken after their certain death encounter with the dragoness Vexiona, she seeks to unite Syriza under the Grand army of Azeroth.

View Character Profile
Lawful neutral
Current Status
On assignment in the Eastern Plaguelands
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Azure Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I wish to fight, for my heart and soul yearns for the battlefield"
Owned Vehicles
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