Feb 03 2023

After securing the necessary materials to make IDs and writs, you return to the Greasy Night Inn to find the goblin Liliana saved earlier from a pair of Iron Legionnaires waiting for you. Spoomples thanked you for saving him and was eager to join you on your quest to procure a ship and escape Goxim. You created several passing IDs and a few not-so-great ones using the materials. Then, with the adrenaline still pumping through Trip's veins, you decided to head back into the night to rescue the enslaved people Lala requested you save at a nearby farm.
  Coming upon the night's gate guards, Trip and Liliana convinced them that you were a group of merchants needing to retrieve some supplies before the night's end. You traveled not too far beyond the city of Goxim before coming across the farm you sought. On an initial inspection, no one noticed anything unusual except a low wooden fence surrounding the farm. Eager to rescue the poor people forced to labor the soil, All of you jumped over the wall and headed towards the nearby workhouse. Sensing something was not quite right, Amillina went back towards the wall. As she approached the barrier, the scarecrows out in the fields came off their stands and attacked.
  The fight was touch and go, but the party finally overpowered all the scarecrow constructs. With the constructs defeated, the people hiding in the workhouse came to see what had transpired. Seeing their captors destroyed, they rejoiced and left their prison using the map Lala provided to make their way to another Bronze Raven safehouse.
  Battered and bruised, you decided to spend the night at the farm, outside the fence, of course.