Lilliana Foxglove

Born to her two satyr parents (Tobin and Aurora), Lilliana Foxglove spent most of her early life in the realm of the Feywild in which her family lived. Her parents were musicians by profession, and Lilly, perhaps unsurprisingly, grew up learning the family trade. Playing her instruments and singing at taverns, revels, weddings and various fey court functions, Lilliana was raised in the traditional and carefree way of her people. It could be argued perhaps that she was too carefree, because it was that lack of care that led Lilliana to where she is today; far from home, in an Iron Dominion prison surrounded by strangers, and looking at a probable execution. This all began little more than two years before, while performing at the home of a powerful archmage in the Feywild. During a party being held at the lavish and palatial estate, Lilly took some time to explore the home where she came upon an intriguing sight. In one of the open rooms, inside a glass display case, was the most beautiful guitar Lilly had ever seen. Almost as if it were calling to her, and though she had previously been warned not to touch anything, Lilliana did not heed the warning and instead picked the lock of the glass display case. Successful, she drew the instrument out, admiring its beauty. Not being able to help herself, the impetuous satyr began to play. Almost unconsciously, Lilliana played a mournful melody as a strange vision spun in her mind’s eye. In the vision she saw two archfey who fell in love long ago; Villif’thaan and Sylvana. Over a thousand years came and went, with the two lovers living a life of excitement and exploration across the realms. All of this culminated in a final adventure in which the fey couple ran astray of a powerful lich who cursed them, nearly killing Villif’thaan and destroying Sylvana’s physical form. Villif’thaan, near to death but fearing that his lover’s spirit would stretch beyond his reach, used rare and powerful magics to anchor her soul to her favorite belonging; a beautiful and intricately carved guitar. Though Villif’thaan was successful and Sylvana’s soul was salvaged from the void, the effort ultimately cost him his life as the magical strain was too much in his weakened state. Now without her physical form, Sylvana was left to mourn her love from the confines of the instrument she now inhabited. Yearning for freedom and to be with her love once again, Sylvana waited long centuries before the guitar was eventually found by a mage who merely stumbled upon it by accident. It is with this final scene that Lilliana awoke as if from a dream, the final chord of the mournful song fading in the air. Tears falling down her face, she began to process what she had seen and what this marvelous instrument actually was. She felt an instant bond with the guitar, as well as an overwhelming urge to be free, adventure, and explore. As she sat there, guitar in hand, the doors to the room flew open to reveal the host of the party, a now red-faced and furious archmage. Before she could even utter a word in explanation or defense, the mage bound her in restraining magics. He told her she should not play with things she did not understand and then banished her with a powerful spell into a magical prison in which there was neither light nor sound. Trapped and terrified, Lilliana stumbled in the dark for what felt like an eternity. Her mind reeling, she clawed like an animal in the pitch-black around her, screaming but hearing nothing as she stumbled about. After a time, exhausted and throat raw with her soundless screams, Lilliana eventually fell to the ground, crying and praying to her ancestors that the nightmare would end. After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, she awoke to a familiar voice; a voice she had only heard in a vision. The voice of the archfey Sylvana echoed in her mind. “Child of my blood, do not cry, for thy tale shall not end here. Ye need but call upon thine name and I will be with ye.” In fear and desperation, Lilliana called upon the archfey Sylvana, begging her with a soundless prayer. Suddenly, Lilly felt the guitar in her hands once again, the instrument apparating out of thin air. At first shaking with sobs, Lilly felt comfort radiate from the instrument in her arms. Her sobs subsided as her hands found the strings and once again began to play music. In silence she played, the sounds of the notes only existing in her mind, until… With hands moving swiftly, Lilly sang as beautiful music poured forth into the still silence. A song, emanating life, joy and freedom issued from the imprisoned satyr’s lips, piercing the air around her. Where there was once only darkness and silence, music and a dim but growing light rose around the young woman. As the song came to an end, Lilliana once again heard the voice of Sylvana in her mind. “I can give ye but one chance to escape this prison, my child. For but a moment I may pierce the magic of this place, freeing ye, but to where I canna’ know. Yet with all things must come a price, child. Mine price is thus; I must bind with thee, and ye to me. Lilliana, child of nature and blood of my blood, ye must swear to serve me as best ye are able. And in the fullness of time, I will show ye sights none have seen, and share with ye powers that few have ever known, fey nor mortal alike. What say ye? Do we have a pact?” Lilliana heard the question and knew in her heart that should she agree, her life would never be the same. Yet not one to regret or ponder overly long, and given her current predicament, she saw the potential being offered. She also felt the sincere longing of this archfey within the guitar. Sylvana yearned for freedom, and Lilliana, in her magical prison, once again fading quickly to black, could understand that desire all too keenly. Into the darkness and with the fading sound of her voice, Lilly addressed the archfey. “We have a pact, my lady.” In response, Lilly felt Sylvana’s joy at her agreement, and felt hope rekindle within her heart. “Then play, child! Play as I direct, and we shall both know freedom again!” Under the direction of the archfey in her mind, Lilly’s hands played the enchanted guitar. The notes were wild and chaotic, yet had an underlying melody that tied the beautiful music together. Note after note, chord after chord, Lilliana felt magic course through her. Power, magic and life like nothing she had ever known before issued from her and the guitar as she played. The notes seemingly driving back the silence and darkness around her. Then suddenly, at a furious and frantic crescendo, Lilliana struck a chord and a glimmering green portal opened up in the air in front of her. “Go!” Lilliana heard the word reverberate in her mind and she need not be told twice before she jumped through the portal. Lilly ran from darkness into blinding light, careening from her magical prison into a riot of color and sound. Eyes watering and ears ringing, Lilliana ran gratefully into the unknown… and right into the camp of a group of beings in strange clothing and armor, with weapons raised threateningly in alarm. In exhaustion, Lilly fell to the ground, laughing somewhat maniacally in both relief and frustration. The guitar gone once again, men and women in armor quickly surrounded her, binding her swiftly and roughly in manacles and chains. Still laughing, tears streaming down her face, a large brute wearing full-plate grabbed her by her left horn and slammed her head into a rock beneath her. Before darkness swallowed her yet again, Lilly heard Sylvana’s voice, whispering comfort to her. “Worry not my child, my brave knight. Ye will see freedom again, this I swear to thee…” Several months later, in the back of a horse driven caged-wagon, Lilliana sat surrounded by fellow slaves. She had been told upon her capture that she was now a slave of the Iron Dominion of Ihira, in some cursed land known as Ilvortia. Packed in tightly, she and the other slaves with her were bound for the slave markets of some nearby city. Lilly had been biding her time, waiting for an opportune moment to free herself, and others, if she was able. Sylvana bid her to be patient, training her in what moments she could find to do so. Where once Lilly had only known freedom, experiencing and seeing the misery of those around her filled Lilliana with a simmering rage she had not previously known. Sylvana shared her anger, despising that Lilly and so many others were denied their freedom in such a way, yet counseled patience all the same. So Lilly waited, worked, and learned what she could from Sylvana. Every moment, Lilly had wanted to act. She wanted to scream her denial and wash these strange lands clean of this slaver filth. She wanted to kill them with her bare hands and with the new magics that Sylvana taught her. She would fall asleep each night in her cage dreaming of doing just that. And yet, she waited. She spent what free time she had learning from the other slaves of the lands she now found herself in. She learned everything she could about the Iron Dominion. She learned what she could about the powers Sylvana granted her. And most of all, with every lash of a whip, beating or petty cruelty she and the others endured, Lilly learned to hate the slavers more and more. One night, merely a day away from their destination, Lilliana’s moment finally came. When she was allowed to relieve herself outside of the wagon with the other slaves, Lilly was able to steal the key ring from one of the two lax soldiers who were currently watching over them. The other soldiers either slept or sat drunkenly around the campfire. Using a magical cantrip to distract the two soldiers, as well as using a magical mage-hand that Sylvana had taught her to cast, she was able to free herself from her bindings. She called upon her magical pact weapon, the wonderful guitar of her patron, and quickly crushed the skulls of the two slavers with it as quietly as she could Telling her fellow captives to remain quiet, she freed them from their chains. Some slaves armed themselves with the weapons of the two dead soldiers. Eight soldiers now remained. The other slaves wished to flee, and Lilliana was tempted to join them in doing just that. Quickly though, she came to another decision. Giving the now freed slaves what money and small food rations the slavers had held, she announced she was going back to the camp. She explained to the others that they would only be hunted down and likely captured again if they all ran now. She said they could go if they wanted, but she was going to see to it that all of their captors were dead before the night was through. Bolstered by her fiery words, the remaining five captives said they would follow her lead and help however they could. Though not soldiers themselves, each of these beings was filled with the same anger and rage Lilliana felt toward the Iron Dominion. And so Lilly told them her plan. Going back to the camp, the slaves hid their new weapons in their clothing, also hiding the fact that their manacles were no longer attached to their wrists. Lilliana bade the magical guitar to return to it’s pocket realm, and for the first time she called upon the eldritch magics given to her to disguise herself as one of the dead guards. Using this “mask of many faces” ability, as Sylvana called it, Lilly led the slaves back into their cage, pretending to lock the doors behind them. Over the next hour, Lilliana waited patiently for the soldiers to fall asleep. When only one remained awake and they left for the woods to relieve themselves, Lilly followed behind, pretending to need to do the same. Two minutes later, Lilly came back to the camp, having hidden the body within the woods. With seven soldiers left, all asleep, Lilly knew that she needed to strike now, as circumstances would not likely improve. Silently signaling the captives to ready themselves, Lilliana stood over two snoring slavers. Sylvana turned into a short sword in her hands, which Lilly used to quietly and efficiently slice the throats of the men sleeping beneath her. She covered each of their mouths as she did so to muffle the sounds as they died in quick succession. Five dead, five remaining. Lilliana positioned herself over another soldier, preparing to do the same as before. Yet before she could, another slaver started coughing in his sleep, stirring the soldier beneath her awake. Blinking in confusion and shock, the slaver let out a loud yelp at what she thought was a comrade holding a bloody weapon over her. Lilly quickly stabbed her pact weapon into her throat. Leaving the blade in the now dying soldier, Lilliana gave a yelp of her own as the other soldiers woke, feigning fear. Lilly pointed in mock-surprise at the slaves now jumping out of the cart, weapons drawn. The remaining four soldiers looked down at their now bloodied and gurgling friend choking on her own blood. They then looked at Lilliana, who looked like one of them, and who was pointing toward the prison-cart in a mimicry of shock. Looking to the cart they saw the five now freed and armed slaves, wielding daggers, a sword, a cudgel, and a rock as they ran toward them. Each of the soldiers grabbed their weapons beside them, and as they moved forward to engage the slaves, Lilliana stepped in beside them, looking as if she would do the same. Instead, while their attention was diverted toward the captives running at them, Lilly summoned her pact weapon to her hands yet again. This time it appeared as a mighty battle-axe, which she swung above her head and down brutally, burying the blade between the shoulders of the soldier right beside her, felling him like a piece of firewood. Horrified and confused, the next closest soldier saw his friend fall and stared at Lilliana incredulously while freezing in place. Following the quick instructions of her patron, Lilly summoned eldritch energy into her palm, Sylvana’s power coursing through her. She sent a green bolt of force into the stunned soldier’s chest, burning a hole clear through his heart. The remaining two soldiers had no time to react before they were met violently by the armed slaves. In mere moments, all the soldiers of the Iron Dominion lay dead, while only one of their captives had been hurt. Using her recently learned magic, Lilliana was able to heal their wounds, leaving the exhausted band of former slaves elated and amazed at this turn of good fortune. Under Lilliana’s instruction, the small band gathered the remaining supplies and weapons. Packing the horses the soldiers had had and leaving the caged wagon behind, they got back on the road and started moving back the way they had come, away from the city and its slave markets. Using only the stars and moonlight to guide them through the night, they traveled far from the bodies of the soldiers they had left behind. Hours later, as the sun began to rise, Lilliana bade the exhausted group to make camp and sleep as she kept first watch. Lilly kept awake by speaking quietly with Sylvana, listening to stories the ancient archfey told her while strumming a quiet tune absently on the guitar. An hour into the watch Lilly heard a crack of a branch in the woods in front of her. Rising to her feet in alarm, a man she did not recognize came into their camp, slowly and with arms raised high above his head, though he was clearly armed. Lilliana’s open palm crackled with green energy as she stared down the smiling man. “Though you likely won’t believe when I say it, you need not fear me my dear.” His voice amiable and thickly accented, he slowly removed his weapon belt, allowing his sword and dagger to drop to the ground. Stepping slowly forward, he eyed Lilliana and the others still asleep behind her. “Six slaves. Ten Iron Dominion soldiers.” He whistled softly. “Impressive! I applaud your skill and initiative.” Lilly eyed the man, trying to gauge his intent. The man gave her a disarming smile. “Alas, while admiring your handiwork, I forgot to explain myself. I have been following the slaver scum who had you and your friends for a couple days now. I was looking for an opportunity to free you all, quite heroically I might add, but it seems I was denied the pleasure.” He smiled again and winked at Lilliana. He continued, “I work for an organization that is in the business of… well I’ll be blunt, stabbing, blowing-up, or generally disposing of violently members of the Iron Dominion, or those who traffic in slavery.” He paused, then started again. “I know we just met, but I can feel you are cut from the same cloth as me and my friends.” He once again eyed Lilly and the blood of the soldiers that covered her as she held her weapon and eldritch energy still leveled at him. “Yes, I do believe I am right about you. I think we will be good friends soon, you and I. So please, allow me to formally introduce myself.” He bowed low with a flourish. “My name is Javier De’laCruz of the Bronze Ravens.” He rose from the bow, giving Lilliana another smile. I’m currently looking for new members for my organization. Basically, we are looking for anybody who is not afraid to kill slavers and get their hands a little dirty for a good cause.” He smiled as Lilly let the green eldritch energy fade away in her palm, lowering it. “Do you know anyone who might fit that criteria?” Lilly looked this strange man up and down, getting the sense that he was speaking the truth. In her mind, Lilliana heard Sylvana’s voice. “Hmm…I’m not certain, but I think I like this mortal. This could be an interesting beginning of a new adventure.” Lilliana just nodded to herself. Interesting indeed. “I’m Lilliana Foxglove.” She nodded again, this time to Javier, and returned his smile. “When can we get to work?”

Lilliana Foxglove

10 Level (64000/85000 XP for level-up) Background Satyr Race / Species / Heritage Chaotic Neutral Alignment
Level 5
Hit Dice: 5/5
1d8+3 Class 1
Level 5
Hit Dice: 5/5
1d8+3 Class 2

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+8 Expertise Bonus
+4 Proficiency Bonus
-1 Strength
+6 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+0 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom
+9 Charisma
saving throws
+6 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
+4 Arcana INT
-1 Athletics STR
+13 Deception CHA
+4 History INT
+0 Insight WIS
+9 Intimidation CHA
+0 Investigation INT
+0 Medicine WIS
+0 Nature INT
+4 Perception WIS
+9 Performance CHA
+13 Persuasion CHA
+0 Religion INT
+6 Sleight of Hand DEX
+6 Stealth DEX
+0 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Longsword of Life Stealing +3 STR 1d8-1 Slashing
Crossbow, heavy -1 STR 1d10-1 Piercing
 Ammunition, Heavy, Loading, Range, Two-Handed
Greataxe -1 STR 1d12-1 Slashing
 Heavy, Two-Handed
Maul -1 STR 2d6-1 Bludgeoning
 Heavy, Two-Handed
Longbow -1 STR 1d8-1 Piercing
 Ammunition, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed
Warhammer -1 STR 1d8-1 Bludgeoning
Cape of the Mountebank, Orb of Dragonkind, Ring of Protection, Shield +1, Carpet of Flying (5 ft. x 7 ft.), Potion of Healing (Greater), Spell Scroll (5th Level), Longsword of Life Stealing, Cap of Water Breathing, Mariner's Breastplate, Cloak of Billowing, Battering Shield, Mariner's Breastplate +2, Breastplate, Crossbow heavy, Greataxe, Maul, Alchemist's Fire (flask), Backpack, Longbow, Thieves' Tools, Warhammer, Potion of Healing, Crowbar, Hammer, Piton, Rations (1 day), Rope Hempen (50 feet), Tinderbox, Torch, Waterskin

Equipment Copper: 5090, Silver: 39222, Electrum: 0, Gold: 79007, Platinum: 2697 Money
Common, Sylvan, Elvish, Orc

Languages & Proficiencies
Wanderlust. I prefer to take the less traveled path. (Chaotic)

I find magic in all its forms to be compelling. The more magical a place, the more I am drawn to it.

Im a kleptomaniac who covets shiny, sparkling treasure. Im always changing my mindwell, almost always.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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