
Adamantium, also known as Miracle Silver is a metal alloy used mainly in prosthetic implants, surgerical tools, and medical instruments.


Material Characteristics

Adamantium, when made and refined properly, is a silvery metal with a red iridescence. It is firm and hard to manipulate.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Adamantium was first utilized by doctors in the battlefield during the mid 1700s, when copper shortages made it difficult for surgeon to acquire new equipment. Doctors would requirely reforge broken medical tools with other metals in hopes to extend the life of their tools as supplies made it hard to figure out when such supplies would be available.   During one such war, a doctor combined elements such as titanium and copper, as well as his silver ring to create an anti-septic surgical blade. He quickly discovered the blade was not only highly resistant, but was extremely durable. After the war, he experimented and refined the process to encorporate other metals, before creating what he dubbed as "Miracle Silver" due to its color and sheen. Unlike other equipment at the time, Miracle Silver was stronger, lasted longer and helped surgeons in the field without utilizing a lot of resources. However, it went further, shortly after the war, it became apparent that the need for prostethics was needed.   Miracle Silver was non-reactive to the body, so their was no fear for toxicity in the blood or the body, and engineers could utilize the strong components without fear of the prostethics tearing themselves apart. The miracle of this metal allowed soldiers and veterans to walk and move once again without issue, leading to its name.


Trade & Market

Because of the use of titanium, it is hard to get any implements of Adamantium outside of hospital settings or without licenced smiths and engineers of prostethics to help. Furthermore, the use of it outside of a clinical setting is rare, due to the current limited uses of it due to its antiseptic nature.
Slight Astringent taste
Reddish Silver
Melting / Freezing Point
2,834 °F
6.23 g/cm3


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