The Judging Eye

Current Month: Julwar 2nd: 209, The Fifth Age
The Judging Eye is a central part to many modern religions, ever since the Pantheon revealed its existance in the Outside to Mortals. Described as a massive ring embedded with impossibly complex runes and glyphs, it is the gateway that recently departed souls use to enter the After-Life after judgement, and await reincarnation if the gods so deem. Evil souls go to one of the Hells to face punishment, while good souls go to one of the Heavans for bliss and reprieve from the troubles of mortality. Some say that souls which are iredeemable, who deserve a fate worse than anything the Hells have to offer, go through the Judging Eye "Unshrouded". Whatever this means has never been explained by the Pantheon, but supposedly it is a fate almost as horrible as Obliviation.


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