Zeppelins and Dirigibles

Current Month: Julwar 2nd: 209, The Fifth Age
Held aloft by large balloons filled with gases, they are more often science than magic, though sometimes magic is still involved in their function.   Using a lighter-than-air design, with their machines employing bags filled with gas to make them buoyant in the air, compared to heavier-than-air designs, which employ wing surfaces and movement to produce lift, either using a fixed wing, or a spinning rotor. A zeppelin consists of a gondola of varying size suspended beneath one or more bags of lightweight gas that serve to keep the craft aloft.   The pilot of the zeppelin can control the direction through the use of ropes which are connected to both the steering wheel in the gondola, as well as fins on the balloon's back. Altitude is maintained or adjusted by the degree of inflation of the balloon, as well as with ballast. Moving in a direction or changing speed requires thrust, given by one or more rotors.   Zeppelins come in different designs and sizes, and different zeppelins have different crew sizes. Normally larger zeppelins and dirigibles have an average speed between 1.5-2 miles per hour. however smaller, more swift designs can move as quickly as 15 miles per hour.


These airships gain lift through buoyancy, and once aloft, commonly attain forward momentum through the use of propellers and other thrust devices.


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