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Meriwether Clark

Meriwether Clark

Meriwether became a bit of a folk hero in her tribe during a time of severe drought. Venturing beyond the borders of the forest for the first time in her life, she tracked her steps by drawing out a crude map, which was later able to lead her people to the new source of water she found. Now, she's on a journey to learn more about the world outside her village and to bring back the maps she creates to share her adventures with her tribe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although larger than many people she has encountered outside of her forest, Meriwether isn't particularly big or strong for a Firbolg and can be surprisingly quick on her feet for her size.

Special abilities

Due to her Firbolg heritage, Meri can detect magic and disguise herself to a limited capacity. She is also able to blend in with her surroundings to the point of going briefly invisible. But by far, her favorite special ability is to be able to communicate with the animals and plants of the forest. Though she doesn't necessarily understand them, she believes she can discern their true intent through that special bond.

Apparel & Accessories

Meri wears her hair in long braids, tied off with purple strips of cloth. These splashes of color are one of the few non-practical concessions to her wardrobe, along with a few colorful feathers she has found. Both of these she wears simply because they're pretty, though she'd be somewhat embarrassed to admit it.   The neckline of her outer garment is embroidered with symbols from her tribe: reminders of where she comes from and what is important in life.

Specialized Equipment

Although occasionally known to dual-wield a set of shortswords, Meri is primarily trained as an archer and prefers to use her longbow whenever possible.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Trained as a hunter, Meri sees survival as the primary motivator for most creatures and is not quick to attribute evil intent to self-preserving actions, believing true evil to be relatively rare. Her own tribe promotes the well-being of the whole community over that of the individual, however, and she has taken this view to heart, holding it up as the greatest good. Those who put their own needs ahead of others do not rise high in her estimation; and lying, betraying, and greed are offenses she finds hard to forgive--signs of a weak and selfish spirit. She believes in the power of redemption and hopes that even the most hardened degenerate might one day be reformed. Still, she has no qualms putting down the metaphoric rabid dog if it were to threaten her or one she cares about.


As she is becoming more attuned to the land around her, Meri has abandoned wearing metal, finding it interferes with her ability to connect with the forces of nature.

Personality Characteristics


Meriwether has just begun to discover a vast new world beyond her forest and is excited to see and all this world has to offer. At each step of her journey, she imagines bringing the stories of her adventures back to her people and enjoying the sharing of these moments as much as the experiences themselves.   Unaccustomed to being alone in the world, she is also seeking to recreate a sense of "tribe" as she explores, forming quick attachments with those she travels with.

Virtues & Personality perks

Meriwether values sincerity and strives to show it in her interactions with others. She sees no point in pretending to be something she is not, and is more likely to speak the truth than try to deceive anyone.   Meri also values equality and doesn't understand why some people have so much while others have so little when there's clearly enough resources for all. Coming from a communal society that doesn't utilize money, Saltmarsh has been a steep learning curve for her.

Vices & Personality flaws

Meri tends to be ruled by her heart and will get in over her head to pursue what she feels is right.   She doesn't know much about the world outside her tribe, but likes to think she's clever enough to figure it out. She isn't. So she's likely to jump to inaccurate conclusions about customs and social habits.


Contacts & Relations

Meriwether's tribe of about 120 Firbolg behave as one big, extended family--which they essentially are.  She was raised by a combinations of parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who each contributed to her upbringing.  Alongside her were siblings and cousins who she played with and who helped her learn how to track and hunt.   She formed a very close bond with a cousin, Lucinda Lewis, who shared a birthday with her.  While Meri enjoyed exploring and adventure, Lucinda preferred to stay close at home, caring for the younger children and tending to the tents.  Lucinda was always an eager audience for the stories Meri would bring back at the end of the day.   Meri also grew close to one of her great-uncles, Hastings, who was her tribe's most renown archer and who taught her how to use a bow.  The two would spend hours in the forest together, tracking their quarry in contented silence yet each feeling perfectly understood by the other.

Religious Views

Meriwether doesn't worship any particular deity, but believes that nature itself has a spirit that speaks to those who listen.  She respects the life force within every living being and sees death as the inevitable end of life.  A good death ensures the survival of others; a bad one is a waste of potential.  By forming a closer bond to the spirit of the lands she travels, she is hoping to hone her own skills and abilities to best honor the gifts that she has been given.

Social Aptitude

Meriwether is at her core a social creature and prefers not to be solitary for too long.  She tries to be friendly with those she meets in order to learn more about their world and form connections with people beyond her tribe.  Though not especially adept at social skills, there are some who might find her rustic sincerity endearing.  Despite any social blunders, her attempt to make more friends than enemies has usually been met with success.

Hobbies & Pets

Meri's favorite hobby is to map out all the locations she has visited, making detailed notes to recount her adventures later.   She doesn't have any long-term pets, since keeping animals in captivity doesn't make sense in her nomadic culture, but she will sometimes have a temporary companion if she forms an understanding with an animal she encounters.  These animal friends are free to part ways with her at any time.


Meriwether speaks with an unhurried drawl and tends to use terms of endearment with those she views with affection.  Though those same terms might be used more tongue-in-cheek with others who haven't yet earned her trust.  Most often genial and soft-spoken, she doesn't often raise her voice or insult others, but does indulge in a bit of verbal sparring from time to time if the situation warrants it.

A Firbolg ranger who has devoted her life to her tribe and the land goes on a journey to learn more about life outside her forest. By mapping out her travels, she plans to eventually bring her new knowledge back to her tribe.

Current Location
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Neutral Good
Tribal Forest
Current Residence
Staying at a room at "The Snapping Line"
Golden Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray Fur
6' 11"
240 lbs
Known Languages
In addition to Common, Meri speaks Elvish, Giant, Goblin, and most recently Druidic.

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