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Nooben Hammerhalter

Nooben Hammerhalter (a.k.a. Noob)

Hey, who is that hooded figure in the back?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a thick build of muscle, looking as though he would be as comfortable in hand-to-hand combat than relaxing with a drink in a quiet ale house.

Body Features

Noob's Tiefling background certainly shows through as more demonic in his appearance, at least when not hidden by his cloak. He has thick horns coming from his forehead that are shaped like those of a ram and curl around in front of his chin. His tail hangs to the ground and is thick like his muscular legs.

Facial Features

Nooben has a rugged, striking face that shows little emotion and all of his dissonance he has for the quickly offered personalities of others. His skin is more red than brown, and he bears a diagonal scar across his face that came with a particularly harsh story that helped shape his view of others. What people often notice first, however, are his piercing eyes. Sometimes described as being "in reverse," the irises are ashen white and where human eyes are white, his are blood red. Oh, and then there's the beard.

Identifying Characteristics

Seriously? You need more than he's a muscular, demon-looking, brick shithouse hiding under his cloak in the shadows? OK, he carries an ominous looking silver-headed hammer with a strange word carved into it, AND a drinking horn that looks like it's made out of another Tiefling! I mean... what in the hells!

Physical quirks

He moves quietly in the back. If you see him, take note - he'll be gone again soon enough.

Special abilities

Nooben is a skilled brewmaster, whose libations have been highly sought after wherever he practices his art. With so much time needed for brewing he also takes up many hobbies including wood carving and leather working, and has even become proficient in painting, those he is always in search of a new set of painting tools.

Apparel & Accessories

Brown is what you'll see... and that's about it. He wears a thick, dark brown, hooded cowl that covers nearly all of his head and part of his face. The cowl is worn over dark brown robe that splits into six separate, light weight panels below his braided rope belt, allowing for freedom of movement when practicing the martial arts. Beneath that he wears special lightweight, baggy pants that accommodate his tail and allow him to hide the tail when he obscures his appearance. His rope belt is also a visible home to his short hammer, flanked by his drinking horn which he calls "Zicke Zacke". He won't usually tell you why; don't bother asking.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nooben was left at a seaside monastery when he was just 8 years old with nothing more than torn and raggedy clothing and the silvered head of a light hammer that bore the ornate inscription, "Huffnungsvoll". The people who left him were said to be badly injured, but he knew little of his family or where they may be. Nooben was regularly ridiculed by his predominantly human peers as a child because of his appearance. By age 12, he had begun wearing clothing that would conceal his racial features and he generally refrained from speaking to any but his closest friends, of which, there were few. Due to his solitude, he mastered the requisite skills of his monastic brewer's guild at an early age, so much so that his libations were commonly sought after though only sold through others because of his tendency to avoid groups of strangers.   When he was 20 years old, his monastery was attacked and burned to the ground. Most of his peers perished and the guild was disbanded for lack of leadership. He began wandering the lands continuing his search for peace, happiness, and good ale. More recently he has longed to return to the seaside, and perhaps even adventure upon the seas.

Gender Identity

Cisgender Male Friendly and Hopeful Demon (does his sexuality make more sense now?)


He hasn't decided if he has one of those.


Noob learned the art of brewing at a young age and has excelled at it ever since. He earned the title of "brewmaster" very quickly and his drink earned his former guild a great deal of coin.


Since shortly after arriving in Saltmarsh, he has worked for Hannah at the Snapping Line as brewer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nooben has recently been adventuring with a small group of individuals that he is slowly starting to trust - this is a purely personal accomplishment, and the kind that he values greatly.

Failures & Embarrassments

He fits in the least with his own race as his physicality screams of the demonic side of his race while he embraces his Teifling name that offers Hope.

Morality & Philosophy

Nooben embraces chaos and will speak his mind when asked, no matter who he is speaking to or what the setting is. He knows that people see him as "dangerous" because of it, and he views them as being particularly small-minded as a result. He is most content by himself and serving himself too, working with or for others is either a means to an end or a sign of fierce loyalty.



Personality Characteristics


Getting by and finding good ale to drink if he can't make his own

Likes & Dislikes

Loves good beer and long walks on the beach. Dislikes slimy, fake people... despises disloyal people, greatly.

Virtues & Personality perks

Being around him for long likely means you'll be around the best ales and spirits

Vices & Personality flaws

He doesn't trust easily which has led to a solitary lifestyle up to now

Personality Quirks

Where the hell did he go?


It's neither a positive, nor a negative


Contacts & Relations

Hannah, the owner at the Snapping Line would be the best point of contact for emergencies. He is currently adventuring with a small party of other individuals. Korra is a particularly happy young female half-elf monk who seems to be exploring the world for the first time. Merriweather ...  Veila ... and Robespierre ...

Family Ties

None - family is a completely unknown commodity

Religious Views

Held so private no one else is really sure, but respectful of all beliefs

Social Aptitude

Quiet, but not shy. Reluctant to be a spokesperson for anything, but won't shy away from a conversation with anyone.


You've probably noticed that he's kind of quiet in groups.

Hobbies & Pets

Making beer, carving wood, working leather, and painting when he can


Clear, direct, and usually in Common

Wealth & Financial state


Nooben is quiet and reserved, until he isn't. He doesn't fully trust others easily, but once he does he is a fierce ally who will fight to death. He keeps himself covered and prefers to blend in to the background.

Current Location
The Hulmarshes
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Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Brewmaster in a now defunct Brewer's Guild Brewer for the Snapping Line
Current Residence
A small room above the Snapping Line in Saltmarsh
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, and Dwarvish

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