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Robespierre Froiquingont

Robespierre Froiquingont

Robespierre was raised in the Amedio Jungle in the city of Sasserine. His mother was his only family he knew. She used to tell him he was not like the other Yuan-ti, that they had been seduced by wicked gods, and that he could choose his own path. "Little Robey, the world is full of snakes - and not just the Yuan-ti! You will one day choose your own way, and whatever you choose, it will be yours and yours alone. This is why we must live by ourselves. This is why we must trust only each other and no one else."   Robespierre's mother did not acclimate well to the jungle, and she caught ill and died when he was barely more than a hatchling. Facing the prospects of living on the streets, Robespierre threw himself on the mercy of the town. To everyone's surprise, he was taken in by Lady Linota Teraknian, a wealthy citizen of the town and a direct descendant of the old lord mayors from before the cruel reign of the Sea Princes.   Linota raised Robespierre to serve her in the court. His slippery ways and quick wit soon gained him a position of influence in the newly formed Dawn Council. He learned the languages of trade - Elvish and Dwarvish - and quickly found himself on the cusp of lordship. That was when the Weaver first spoke to him.   On the eve of the ceremony of lords, Robespierre had a terrible dream. He stood on top of the world, pale as ash, his eyes gleaming. Beneath him writhed hundreds of thousands of snakes, the people of the world his Mama had warned him about. Robespierre held out his hand and commanded the snakes with one word: Eat!   The snakes devoured each other until only on snake remained, bloated with the mass of the others. When Robespierre looked closely at the reptile's face, his perspective shifted and he saw through its eyes, as the snake had been Robespierre all along. He looked to where he had stood atop the world and in his place sat an old Naga crone. She spoke to him without words, telling him that she was the Weaver and that Robespierre would be her agent of change in the world, or else he would perish with it.   He woke in the middle of the night, blood pumping and his head hazy. In a mindless stupor, he rose and drifted towards the room of his master, Lady Linota. There he saw her sleeping peacefully and unaware of his presence. He looked upon her form, dropped his jaw and flooded her with poison gas, instanly killing her in the way only a Yuan-ti could do. Robespierre awoke from his trance, saw what he did and the incontrovertible evidence before him, and fled the jungle with nothing but the clothes on his back.   Robespierre travelled aimlessly eventually working his way to the docks of Saltmarsh. There, Gelen Primewater swiftly identified him as a useful asset and put him to work. After proving himself to be particularly adept at cleaning up Gelen's problems, Gelen promoted Robespierre through the ranks and now relies heavily on Robespierre's talents.   Nevertheless, Robespierre has felt the beating blood in his veins of late, and the hazy mist in his head has grown more powerful over time. The Weaver will soon speak, and Robespierre will find himself once again upon the road.


Contacts & Relations

Gellen Primewater: Gellen is a member of the council in Saltmarsh. He puts up a front as an honest businessman but is secretly involved in smuggling. He is outwardly cheerful but willing to be ruthless.

Family Ties

Robespierre's only (known) family was his mother, who perished due to illness in the Almeido jungle climate. Unknown to him, she was ordered to surrender his egg to the high priest in Alocotla. Instead, she fled to Sasserine, where she hatched and raised him until her death.

Religious Views

Robespierre, himself, is not religious, but he is bound to the Weaver, a Naga crone that is one of three manifestations of the God Shekinester. Because of the Weaver's direct involvement in key moments in his life, he is prone to see all major events occurring around him as influenced by her hand.

Social Aptitude

Robespierre is generally talented in social situations. In his previous life, he was raised to operate in the court. As a result, he is skilled in the art of persuasion, deception, and (when necessary) intimidation. He is also fluent in several languages, especially those common in trade.


Robespierre is prone to telling off-color jokes as a tool of probing and disarming his compatriots and rivals.   While generally jovial, he is fully aware that his snake-eyes are disturbing and he will use a tonal shift and a focused stare to intimidate others, when necessary.

Hobbies & Pets

Like all good mercenaries, Robespierre enjoys his vices: drink, dice, and cheap women. Aside from the usual, he enjoys scrimshaw, though whose bones he uses is his secret.


Robespierre speaks common fluently, but his speech pattern is marked by an Sasserene accent (a poorly-done French accent that sometimes borders on Russian/East-European).

Wealth & Financial state

Robespierre is not a wealthy man, though he is well-paid by Gellen and has a room in Gellen's mansion. However, having abandoned Gellen as his primary employer, Robespierre is essentially homeless and penniless.

Robespierre is the son of a Yuan-ti refugee and a recent patron of the Weaver, a Naga Goddess with inscrutable motives. He travels with his new compatriots in part to uncover her plans and to regain his independence.

Current Location
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True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Robespierre maintains no titles, though he wouldn't be adverse to earning one.
Alocotla, Hepmonaland
Current Residence
Green (snake-eyes)
Jet black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs

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