Afina Herb

Afina is a medicinal herb found naturally only in the most mountainous regions of the Flood Wastes. After the Great Flood, the herb had long been written off as extinct. Over the years, legends of its alleged cure-all properties spread like wildfire.   Pio, an explorer turned resident of Crevis, discovered this herb on one of his many forays into the wilderness. When he brought a few samples back in a small pot, the scientists and villagers alike where beside themselves to test the plant. To their amazement, they found that although the plant was infected like all plants in the Flood Wastes, its seeds were perfectly healthy.   Of course, it is not the cure-all that everyone always hopes something like this is, but it was found to be an effective fever reducer and vomit suppresant. Although it's not a cure-all, these combined effects have been incredibly valuable in the field of medicine on Kivria for many different types of maladies where combatting high fever and dehydration is a major nuisance.
Conservation Status
Afina is under strict protection within Crevis. There is only so much that they can do to prevent explorers and others from collecting it from the Flood Wastes, however this is also not something that most people are particularly worried about given the harsh conditions of the region act as a preventative for most resource exploiters who are properly weighing the costs versus benefits of such an endeavor. Other protections includes an agreed upon silence regarding where, exactly, these plants flourish most readily. Good luck searching every single mountain in the Flood Wastes, because trust me, it only grows on some of them.


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Aug 14, 2023 20:21 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting that they were able to rediscover it and recognize it. Sounds very useful indeed!

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