
Altarkeepers of the Shrine of Creation are chosen from amongst the most highly trusted and magically powerful members of Aravun Yashelin society. Every Yashelin is, in theory, able to be called upon by one of the experienced altarkeepers to assist in maintaining the shrine.   Altarkeepers are responsible for maintaining the shrine. This involves a long list of tasks. Among them include tasks such as:
  1. Welcome visitors to the Shrine
  2. Prepare the shrine for its various rituals and ceremonies
  3. Ensuring that the shrine is well stocked in supplies for the above events
  4. Provide support to those seeking solace in the shrine
  5. Maintain a clean and orderly building
  6. Assist those who arrive at the atlar, whether future Tikiran Yashelin, lost Kivrian Spirits, or injured Yashelin



  1. Respected and trusted by the Ezekoru and the Ida
  2. Advanced magical skills, ideally one of the Magi
  3. Flexible schedule to fill in for other altarkeepers as needed, ensuring that the Shrine is never left unattended

Career Progression

Typically, a prospective altarkeeper must be an an active member of the broader Aravun Yashelin community before all else. They must also demonstrate piety towards the Ida and a thorough understanding of magic.   Altarkeepers are not gatekeepers of their profession for no reason. Frankly, they would love all of the extra help in the world so that they never have to worry about leaving the Shrine unattended. Unfortunately, they must for the sake of the sanctity of their position.   Let's say that one is able to prove themself worthy to a Master Altarkeeper, such as Triva or Hanalun. The Master Altarkeeper must then petition the Ezekoru and the Ida for permission to tutor the interested party. If approved, the individual in question will begin as an Apprentice Altarkeeper and work their way up from there. Rejections are common, but at least they do not come without constructive feedback.


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Jan 12, 2024 21:16 by Kydra

I like how the altarkeepers would happily let anyone help with their work, but are limited by formalities. What different ways can interested parties try to impress a Master Altarkeeper?

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