Shrine of Creation

The Shrine of Creation is the epicenter of religious life for the average Yashelin, located at the heart of the city of Heshi Ariko. The shrine is the most sacred space on Aravu, dedicated entirely in honor and/or worship of the Ida.   The building is inhabited at all times by an altarkeeper, who maintains the building, greets visitors, and prepares it for rituals.

Critical Functions

Ceremonies, Rituals, and Rites

Any ceremony in which the Yashelin deem it fit to have the Ida's blessing is held in the Shrine of Creation. They typical emcompass important milestones in a Yashelin's life, such as the traditions associated with achieving their 50th, 1000th, and 10,000th years of age.   A sample of ceremonies include:

A Link Between Worlds

In addition to its function as a ritualized religious space, it also functions as the link between recently deceased Kivrian spirits and their afterlife within Aravu's Vimstones.   Sometimes, Kivrian spirits do not move on to the vimstones. Instead, they remain in the Shrine. It is the duty of the altarkeeper to assess the situation. If they are adults, they may need an extra push into the afterlife. They may also be reincarnations, so it is prudent for the altarkeeper to call for assistance regardless.   If they are children, they are most likely destined to be transformed into a Tikiran Yashelin. Only the Ida and the Magi have the authority to transform an Kivrian spirit into a Yashelin one.  

Back to Life

If a Yashelin, Kivrian Spirit, or Reincarnation is critically injured in such a way that it would normally result in their death, most of the time they are immediately spirited away safely back to the shrine.   The only exceptions were death via smiting or death after exile. The Ida has rendered both previous possibilities, impossible. Should one manage to achieve that which the Ida has taken from their grasp, the harmed party should now redirect to the Shrine of Creation like any other one of the injured.



by Midjourney
The Shrine of Creation is built according to the standards of most Heshi Ariko homes, but large. It appears much smaller from the outside than it does on the inside, owing to a masterful use of empty space.


The Sanctuary of Arrival

The Sanctuary of Arrival is the first room in which a visitor enters when they arrive. It is deliberately kept warm and inviting. The room did not earn its name because it is the first room that one enters from the outdoors. Rather, it earned its name because the Sanctuary of Arrival houses the altar before which the soon-to-be Tikiran Yashelin children appear.

The Sanctuary of Spirits

The Sanctuary of Spirits is designed with the opposite impression in mind. It is a serious and imposing structure that inspires awe in those permitted to enter. This sanctuary houses the altar before which a Yashelin is gifted a name and a purpose from the Ida.   The altar is enclosed on the left and on the right by two enchanted mirrors. These mirrors see through the corporeal body of a person to reveal the spirit hiding within.


Other rooms are not accessible to the public except under special circumstances. Most backrooms house artifacts and supplies to aid in the ceremonies and rituals which occur nearly daily in the shrine. Others are strictly confidential.
by Midjourney
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Jan 7, 2024 16:47 by Jacqueline Yang

Wow! First, beautiful article. I love the art and the lay out of this article. And I like that there are several links in this article. It really feels like it's apart of the world you've created.

Jan 7, 2024 20:48

Thank you!

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