Ashes to Ashes

"Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, but fear not, for your spirits shall live forever. None shall ever be separated from their loved ones forever, for the afterlife provides for all."
  At the termination of the Astris Genocide, the Serayin Gafir delivered a short speech on behalf of the Ida to a small gathering of Kivrians. The speech was intended to sooth the fears of the populace, reassuring them that the violence was over. Gafir added a two sentences of their own, against orders, and in doing so revealed the existence of the afterlife.   The simple opening lines of Gafir's speech changed the course of Kivrian history forever. The news of an assured afterlife spread like wildfire. Religious philosophies were shaken to their very core. Whole wars were fought over their newfound reality. Some rejected it while others embraced it. Ultimately, those who embraced it won this ancient philosophical battle.   Then and now, the revelation inspires great acts of compassion as well as evil. Great debates continue to rage within communities, picking apart each and every one of Gafir's words, searching for more answers. Who is all? What is forever? Does the afterlife provide equally or does it have preferences? Nearly every religion in the world, no matter how far removed from the events of the genocide, is expected to have an answer in response to this speech.   Despite the chaos that has unfolded ever since, Gafir does not regret their decision to tell the truth to the Kivrians in the slightest. When asked for comment, they merely shrugged their shoulders and said:
"Keeping it a secret had never benefited anyone to begin with. At least they're fighting over something more real, now. At least they have the comfort of knowing that death is not the end. Did you forget why I gave that speech? How many families were torn apart? How could I possibly regret my message?"


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