
Kivrian sophonts are granted an afterlife on the Planet of Aravu. The afterlife is a consequence of the Yashelin's search for easily accessed and renewable spiritual energy as a source of power for their society's infrastructure, which is based on the output of vimstones.  


When a Kivrian sophont passes away, they can expect to live out their afterlife within the vimstones found on Aravu. To the denizens of these vimstones, the afterlife appears perfectly organized. That is, unless they are one of relatively few to leave the comforts of their designated space and attempt to explore other parts of the afterlife.   A vimstone afterlife is organized according to the age of the spiritual energy. The oldest spirits are located in the oldest part of the vimstone, while the newest spirits can be found in the new growth of a vimstone. As such, a traveler through the realm will have a distinct feeling of falling or rising depending on their desired location.  

An Exclusive Environment

The Kivrian afterlife is exclusively set aside for the commonly accepted sophonts of the Planet of Kivria. The Awassi, the Henin, the Hewas, and even many of the Astris find their incorporeal homes here.   Feral Sophonts and all other Kivrian creatures do not qualify. Only the void greets them at their death. This decision was not taken lightly by the Yashelin and only came about after great debate and compromise regarding the scope of the project. Recent moves have been made to incorporate certain subsets of feral sophonts, but has not yet been reviewed for approval.  

Entering the Afterlife

Kivrian spirits pass through the Shrine of Creation before entering the Vimstones. They are not usually conscious of this transfer and wake up with their death as their last memory.   Each person experiences a slightly different afterlife depending on their culture and age. Some are greeted by guides of a sort. Some cultures from certain communities will ensure that their people receive the type of afterlife introduction they have been taught to expect during their life.   Other communities do not put on such elaborate displays for the recently deceased. Some may be agnostic to begin with, but more often than not those who do not recreate their idea of the afterlife belong to one of two categories: the blasphemy avoidant and fire and brimstone types.   The blasphemy avoidant type of community may have decided early on that it was better to leave the afterlife the way it is rather than pretend that it is anything other than what it is. After all, what if Anubis is real and becomes angry because someone pretends to be it?   On the otherhand, some fire and-brimstone types have attempted to recreate their ideas of the afterlife. Every single one of them discovered that the vimstone does not allow for that behavior. Spirits are at their most efficient when they are not in distress. How a vimstone manages to self-police itself is not well understood, but physical violence against another and strong enough emotional turmoil will trigger it.

Leaving the Afterlife

Most Kivrian spirits are incapable of leaving the afterlife. Some attempts have been successful with the assistance of a reincarnation or a Yashelin, but such events are few and far between. They are also risky, since the transition from the vimstone to the corporeal world may cause the spirit to dissipate entirely if done incorrectly.   Only Reincarnations and Yashelin are able to travel between the land of the coporeal and the spiritual without danger or difficulty. Yashelin are spiritual creatures first and corporeal creatures second, and thus they are more maleable than the primarily corporeal bodies of living Kivrian peoples. Reincarnations have a similar disposition as the Yashelin and, despite being small in number, are the most accessible to Kivrian spirits since most reincarnations live in the afterlife.


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Dec 19, 2023 19:11 by Elspeth

I love this, and am totally fascinated by the guide. Why do some get a guide and others don't? Is the guide different depending on the beliefs of the deceased? Sorry, so many questions! :D

So many worlds to choose from...
Dec 23, 2023 21:14

Don't apologize! I love questions. :D   How a person experiences the afterlife often highly depends on the culture they belong to. Some cultures from certain time periods/communities will ensure that their people receive the type of afterlife introduction they have been taught to expect during their life, and thus have "guides" put into place by the earliest 'residents.' Other cultures/communities, not so much, especially the fire-and-brimstone types who learned quickly that if vimstones are capable of enforcing just one rule, it is peace.

Dec 24, 2023 10:44 by Elspeth

Oh I love that! <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 12, 2024 14:36 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Interesting article. Thanks for sharing and entering it into the Special Category! God bless and much success with your New Year's plans! <3

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