Bes Islands Sea Service

The Bes Islands Sea Service, or BISS for short, is an organization funded by the Bes government that is geared towards protecting the lands and seas of the Bes Island Chain. BISS is staffed by a mixture of Bes civilians and Bes Navy Sailors who are trained in the fields of marine biology, public education, and intercultural diplomacy.  
"The Bes Island Sea Service protects the unique ecosystem of the Bes Island Chain through rigorous educational, scientific, and diplomatic efforts so as to preserve the land and sea for future generations of Bes citizens who live above and below our waters."
Government Research Organization
Bes Island Chain
Funded by
Nation of Bes

Organizational Structure

There are three main branches within the Bes Island Sea Service who work separately and together to achieve the mission of their organization:  

Education Branch

The main responsibility of the Education Branch is to educate the public about Bes' oceans and unique ecosystem.   The Education Branch runs the Bes Island Natural History Museum, organizes events for children such as summer camps, and gathers volunteers for special events such as shore clean-ups. This branch hires the vast majority of the Bes civilians who work for BISS.

Research Branch

The Research Branch of the Bes Island Sea Service focuses upon the scientific study of the Bes Island Chain and its seas.   They are the boots on the ground conducting scientific experiments in the field and in the lab. They also execute preservation efforts throughout the region, often in close collaboration with the other two branches of BISS.

Diplomatic Branch

The third branch of the Bes Island Sea Service is dedicated to fostering positive relationships between the Bes Astris and the Bes Nereids.   This branch closely studies the biology and culture of the Bes Nereids. They also share their own Bes Astris culture with their research subjects as well. This relationship allows BISS to gather invaluable first-hand accounts of Bes' underwater ecosystem.


Author's Notes

Everytime I write BISS, I imagine the corporate/government official who made it up. Good job, buddy.

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Jul 20, 2024 17:38 by Marjorie Ariel

I love organizations that both educate and bring the community together. I want to bring my niece to one of their events.

Jul 20, 2024 23:48

They're very special to me as well! When I finally sit down and deep dive into Bes, I'm definitely going to flesh their organization out more (especially events!)

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