Black Sand Ducks

Black Sand Ducks are the beloved national animal of the island nation of Bes, so much so that they are front and center on their national flag.   This species is also commonly known as Bes Ducks and scientifically as Anas Litus. As their name implies, they are native to the black sand beaches of the island, where they specialize in eating sand-loving insects. These ducks have black, irridescent feathers which becomes mottled with white with age, helping them blend in to the beach and the surf.

Pillaging Menaces

They are omnivorous opportunitists and so will happily diversity their diet. So much so that Bes had to develop the most robust garbage disposal system in the world in part to protect the ravenous hoard. While they still prefer to live and to nest on the beaches, they take great joy in pillaging the shops and homes of nearby communitieswhen the opportunity strikes.   Some even think that Black Sand Ducks are in the process of domesticating themselves, whether their servants like it or not. Thankfully, Black Sand Ducks are a welcome sight despite being a minor nuisance.

But They're OUR Pillaging Menaces

The people of Bes are incredibly protective of their quacking neighbors, in stark contrast to Oseka and its Meridian Ducks. It is illegal to consume the ducks, punishable by steep fines and even jail time for those who hunt and/or sell their meat. Egg consumption is regulated, though acceptable.   Black Sand Ducks represent curiosity, cunning and resilience in Bes culture. These three traits are defining characteristics of Bes culture as a whole, for which it prides itself highly. Most importantly, however, these ducks are superstitiously associated with Vanora, the Bes peoples' Goddess of the Sea. Few would dare risk offending it by allowing any harm to come to one of its pets.
Black Sand Duck by Midjourney
by AsterVela

Cheese, the Boss, and I by AsterVela

Cover image: Bes Flag by AsterVela


Author's Notes

I wanted to give this article more love, but seasonal depression got my ass this month. Thank goodness for a leap day!  


Badge by Tillerz using MJ

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May 28, 2024 00:26 by Marjorie Ariel

This reminds me a little of various city birds that wander around outdoor restaurants looking of scraps.

May 30, 2024 20:55

A little more wild than a typical city bird, but they're not far off!

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