
Oseka is an ancient city believed to have been inhabited since almost the beginning of Henin civilization, when the early Henin peoples settled on the coast and began to experiment with sea travel. Once the richest city in the world, Oseka is now a bustling small town built upon the ashes of its wartorn ancestor. Although its days of economic and scientific supremacy are over, residents still have that very same outsized pride in the city they call home.  



It is defined by its strategic position on the Meridian Coast, which today boasts a more modest but no less valuable port. In its heyday, it boasted the largest merchant port in the world. In addition to Oseka's position as the central hub for overseas trade in the surrounding area, it was also renowned for its vibrant night life, high class festivities, and scientific community.


Oseka's main weakness was in its vulnerability to attack via the ocean. It has switched hands many times over the years, as nations fight over who gets to own Osekan wealth, until its final capitulation to the Bes Navy fleet. The Bes Navy attempted to improve the city's fortifications, but viscious airstrikes coming unexpectedly from the mountains would ultimately level the original city.  

Lay of the Land

Modern Districts


Historic Districts

The original city of Oseka was divided into three main districts:

Meridian District

Azudis District

Gibbous District

Modern Points of Interest


Oseka Harbor

Oseka's modern harbor is a chaotic place, filled with busy seamen and hawkers pacing to and fro along the port. The harbor itself is a beautiful vista, should one walk up a few flights of stairs to the observation deck to catch the view above the towering ships.  
Memorial Statue by AsterVela (Midjourney)

Oseka Memorial Park

The main attraction of Oseka these days, besides as a merchant hub, is the Oseka Memorial Park. This park was created in memory of the thousands killed in the bombing that decimated the original city that the current town is built on top of.

Azudis Market Square

A daily market filled with a wide variety of goods, divided into sections depending on the type of business... Maybe to try in vain to dampen the smell of the fish market stalls.  
Beach Ball by AsterVela (Midjourney)

The World's Largest Beach Ball

You heard it here, folks. Oseka is home to the world's largest beach ball. Don't try to play with it, though -- the last time it came loose, it rolled into the ocean and was an international nightmare to remove without popping it.

Historical Points of Interest


Oseka Harbor

Oseka Harbor is the neighbor of the merchant port, facing pointedly in the opposite direction and blocked from view via a wall that stops just short enough that many a curious tourist have lost a camera when they dropped it into the ocean below. The view is stunning, the restaurants are overpriced, and it's an overly popular dating spot for teenagers and college students.

Meridian Academy by AsterVela (Midjourney)

Meridian Academy

Have you ever wanted to find a nerd who can infodump to you about marine biology? Admire some truly impressive, colorfully ornate marble architecture? This is the place to do it, if the guards at the entrance gate will let you in. The wealthy who send their adult children there would never risk their safety by letting common riffraff walk in.

Meridian Observatory

This is where you go if you want amazing views of the city from above, an exhausting hike, and a nerd who can infodump to you about astronomical research... But watch out, guided tours are expensive and must be booked in advance.

Museum by AsterVela (Midjourney)

Oseka Museum of Natural History

A museum originally dedicated to the natural history of the land and sea surrounding Oseka, it later expanded its boundaries to include special exhibits on farflung regions and astronomy.

Bes Naval Land Combat Training Base

The Bes Navy, upon Oseka's capitulation, promptly organized a base on the foothills at the outskirts of town. Although you can only enter on official business, it's walls are a unique look at Bes architecture outside of its home islands.

The World's Largest Beach Ball

What kind of sick joke is it that the beach ball survived the bombing, but little else did?
by AsterVela (Midjourney)
Alternative Name(s)
Oshlyl (primitive name)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Cover image: by AsterVela (Midjourney)


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