Festival of Lights

The Festival of Lights is a twice a year event. It is held during the summer and winter solstices of the Planet of Aravu. This festival is a celebration of the twin Serayin, Uri and Heyir, their respective flocks, and the lights which they are believed to personify: the sun and the moon.   The festival runs similarly to most other Serayin-centered festivals. It is a time to crown the Serayin and show off the achievements of the Shushani Flock. Unlike other similar festivals, however, they share the spotlight with their two associated heavenly bodies: the sun and the moon.

Festival of Lights: Summer Solstice Edition

Shushani Pithin and the Shushani Flock collaborate to host the summer solistice edition of the biannual Festival of Lights. During the day of the summer solstice, the Festival of Lights is dedicated to the sun. This festival also doubles as the Shushani Flock's festival, which celebrates the achievements of the flock and its Serayin Uri. This is a lively festival of drunken merriment for everyone, but Uri and several volunteers remain sober in order to safely put on an official fireworks show designed specifically to interrupt the transition from day to night.   During the night, they transition to a comparatively sedate celebration of the moon, which they host on a different beach each year. Rather than celebrate the Serayin of the Hesha Flock, Heyir, participants make it a point to raise up Heyir's decenir, Areta. Heyir grumbles, but they know they love seeing ver in the the spotlight!   The night side of the festival had drastically reduced after the Astris Genocide and the First War, when Areta and Heyir both became persona non grata. Stubborn participants didn't allow it to disappear entirely. If asked, they claimed that it was a complete coincidence that they added purple coloring to their Bonfire Parties.

Festival of Lights: Winter Solstice Edition

During the Winter Solstice, the main festival takes place during the nighttime. It is a celebration of Heyir, the Serayin associated with the moon, called Hesha by the Yashelin people.   The winter side of the Festival of Lights is ran by the Hesha Flock. It primarily takes place in the city of Heshi Ariko, the home of Heyir and their flock.   It nearly vanished after the First War, but is making a slow but happy return.
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Author's Notes

Having trouble making the words go, will come back to this one later.

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