Shushani Pithin

Shushani Pithin, or Ani for short, is a balmy, seaside village located at the far south of the Kotuye Continent. It is best known for its artistic community, nearby mining operations, inspiring scenery, and its large Fas community.   It is the third largest Aravun Yashelin settlement, falling far behind the cities of Caso Rovash and Heshi Ariko. It is connected to these faraway cities via the Chamatoye Public Railway and well-trod flight paths which soar over the landscape below.


Early History

Shushani Pithin was founded by Uri and Areta Maikir, who sought out a quiet place far out from the comparatively bustling cities of Caso Rovash and Heshi Ariko.   Although its location was primarily decided based upon its quiet location, it was also strategically decided upon because of its proximity to mineral rich land ripe for mining and processing. It was also located on agriculturally rich land which promised to diversify the Yashelin's diet.   It didn't stay quiet for very long as other Yashelin followed Areta and Uri.   Although agriculture never took off in Shushani Pithin the way it did in the interior of the continent for the Yashelin, it became known for its beautiful, exotic gardens which bloomed year-round. Mining was a huge success in comparison, so much so that the Shushani Flock called the community its home base.   With the success of the mining outpost, the humble Shushani Pithin became a bonafide village, to the bafflement of its founders who really ought to have seen that coming as Serayin.   Where the Yashelin snubbed the agricultural potential of Shushani Rovash, the Fas highly valued this fertile land. It is the first and largest example of the Yashelin and the Fas living in the same community.   Due to its isolation from other settlements and its multicultural nature, the village has a distinct culture from all others found on the continent which not even the development of the Chamatoye Public Railway and the subsequent rise in tourism could ever topple.

Recent Past

Shushani Pithin was the epicenter of the First War. It sustained significant damage in terms of casualties, though the physical village itself was largely left intact by the militants, except for the Shushani Flock's and Peli Flock's headquarters, factories, and the nearby mining outpost, which were left in ruins.   After the First War, the village temporarily saw a significant dip in its residential population as they sought the alleged security in numbers in the cities. Most returned after a short while, spurred on by fear of Exile, by culture shock, and by the long commute for the Shushani Flock.   In recent years, Shushani Pithin has rapidly caught up to and slightly overtaken its previous level of production and number of residents.


There are approximately 800 Yashelin residents in the village of Shushani Pithin. Many more commute each day from the cities of Caso Rovash and Heshi Ariko, though many more villagers commute to the cities than those who commute here. These numbers do not include the mining outpost located within thirty miles north, which boasts a population of roughly 70 permanent residents and 50 more seasonal residents.   The majority of the Yashelin residents are of Tikiran origin, making up over half of the Yashelin residents in the village. This distinction also makes it the community with the youngest average age of its residents.   At any given moment, the Fas predominate the village of Shushani Pithin. Since there is no official census of the Fas due to their rapid lifespans, their exact population is unknown, but it is thought that they are upwards of 70% of the local population.



Shushani Pithin is located along the White Cliffs, after which the village was named. It only takes up a small portion of the land atop these white-pink cliffs, which stretch for many miles more along the south-western shoreline of the Vanora Ocean.   The village and the surrounding area is defined by its rolling hills, some of which are steep, and prairie lands.


Thanks to Shushani Pithin's proximity to the Vanora Ocean's west coast, the village proper experiences cool summers and mild winters. Temperatures rarely reach above 72°F (22°C) or dip below 40°F (6°C). The area experiences approximately 80 days of precipitation each year.


-Map TBA-



Shushani Pithin Yashelin residents who work in the village primarily engage themselves in industrial, creative, and service pursuits. It is the home base of the Shushani and Peli flocks, who are well known for all of the above.   Fas residents of the village participate most heavily in the agricultural and service industries of the village and the surrounding area. Fas from Shushani Pithin are renowned for their unique perspective on the trades of pottery making and glassblowing.   Yashelin residents enjoy the same high standard of living as the rest of their civilization. Fas residents are not granted the same social and economic protections that all Yashelin are entitled to. Inner-village Fas tend to boast a decently equalized standard of living, but the further away from the village, the more stratified their society becomes.

Public Services


The village is proudly self-sufficient in terms of electricity, with their own vimstone-powered grid. They also have a backup connection to the power supply of the Chamatoye Public Railway (and thus the main, centralized supply meant for all Yashelin), in case of a natural disaster.


Most Shushani Pithin residents prefer to see medical professionals in the cities rather than in the village proper. Nevertheless, the area is serviced by the Ani Medical Research Center. As the name implies, its primary function is that of a research and training facility, but it performs all other functions of a regular medical facility at the same time.


Heshi Ariko is the educational center for all members of Aravun Yashelin society. Students of all ages typically travel by flight or by public railway to attend classes there rather than in their home village. The only exception is the wintertime, when many educators prefer to teach from Caso Rovash or Shushani Pithin due to the snowy, cold weather that dominates Heshi Ariko.



There are informal roadways criss-crossing the surrounding area, primarily meant for foot and cart traffic by the Fas.


Shushani Pithin is primarily serviced by the Chamatoye Public Railway, which provides its residents with easy access to all other important locations.


Yashelin flight paths are marked via brightly colored flags, easily identifiable via these avianoid's sharp eyesight. Shushani Pithin's flight paths are no exception. The flight path between Shushani Pithin and Heshi Ariko is demarcated by alternating yellow and white flights and the path to Caso Rovash is white and blue.

Art, Culture, and Recreation


The village is dominated by brightly painted stucco, elegant red and teal fired brick, and rustic mudbrick homes, businesses, and other venues. The villagers pride themselves on the colorful, eclectic nature of Shushani Pithin's exterior architecture.   The interior of Shushani Pithin Yashelin homes follow a similar model to Heshi Ariko's traditional homes, but they have been adapted to the milder (and overall warmer) climate.   Aspects of an average Yashelin dwelling interior include, but are not limited to and subject to great variation:  
  1. They are typically much larger than the average Heshi Ariko home.
  2. The front door opens into a spacious, airy living space and a connected kitchen.
  3. The fireplace is situated at the far end of the living space, rather than in the middle, in order to minimize overheating the home and to maintain the tradition at once.
  4. Although the Yashelin still sleep all together, they tend to keep a separate bedroom out of the general living space. This is a stark departure from most of the other Yashelin cities.
  5. Traditionally furnished and solely private sanctuaries are frequently forfeited in exchange for extra space, such as a personal art studio in which guests are welcome.
  The Fas of Shushani Pithin typically live in communal dwellings of more than fifteen people. These homes are found within the village proper. They are tall structures, often boasting three to five floors each. Homes further out and into the countryside around Shushani Pithin tend to be wide and sprawling single or double floor complexes. They are made out of the same materials and are often, somehow, even more brightly painted than that of their Yashelin neighbors.   In addition to the above details, don't forget to take a peek at some of the expert metalwork found casually throughout the village, thanks to the skilled metalworkers who helped build it.

Festivals, Holidays, and Special Occasions

The festivals and holidays that are celebrated within the village of Shushani Pithin are decided upon by their local Citizen Advisory Board. The board has the most power in deciding upon festivals, which are local productions. Holidays, meanwhile, are shared by all Aravun Yashelin communities with few exceptions.


Shushani Pithin hosts four festival days per year.
Festival of Lights
The village is happy to host the summer solistice edition of the Festival of Lights in collaboration with the Shushani Flock. During the day, Shushani Pithin celebrates the sun and the village's founder, Uri.   Nighttime would be a more sedate affair... If Uri and a few volunteers didn't stay sober just long enough to set off fireworks at dusk every single year, right as Heyir is set to be crowned.
Rainbow Festival
Shushani Pithin homes and businesses are traditionally repainted each year by Fas and Yashelin residents alike. Although locals are the main participants, anyone is happily invited to join in the festivities.   If painting isn't of interest, however, this festival also doubles as a general art fest. There are many more activities available for all ages, such as watching demonstrations of Fas glassblowing, making one's own doll, and visiting an art show.
Peli Festival
The Peli Festival is the festival dedicated to the Peli Flock and their Serayin, Coran. It follows a similar structure to other flock-based festivals, which are one of the few times per year that it is socially acceptable for a Yashelin to wear their pride on their sleeves.   The festival begins with Coran's crowning. After that, their flockmates proceed to try to get this heavyweight drunk. The Peli Festival is known to have the prettiest and showiest drinks and food out of all of the flock festivals.
Flowering Festival
In the dead of winter, when all is frigid and still in the lands around Caso Rovash and Heshi Ariko, Shushani Pithin decides to show off their year-round vibrancy. The gardens are secondary to the real stars of the show, however. This festival is less about celebrating the verdant land of Shushani Pithin and more about celebrating Yashelin youths.

Points of Interest

Anapi's Blacksmith Shop
On a rare day that Anapi isn't busy monitoring the mines or achieving magical marvels with the Magi, they can be found hammering away in their shop.   They are a highly sought after metallurgist and metalworker with hundreds of thousands of years of experience.
The White Bluffs
The White Bluffs are a beautiful natural wonder. Shushani Pithin is a mere speck in comparison to the white cliffs that run for miles and miles up and down the coast.   There are official hiking trails which follow the bluffs. Please remember to stay on the path; this might not be Green Canyon, but it is an environmental conservation area nonetheless!
Olepok Fas Market
The Olepok Fas Market is the largest Fas marketplace geared towards Yashelin and Fas audiences rather than the Fas alone. Fas come from all over the continent to trade their wares and to share news between each other.   The Yashelin are especially fond of the marketplace, and the Fas are especially fond of their Yashelin patrons, who do not understand the art of haggling and usually pay over full price.
Vanora Coast Beaches
The beaches along the Vanora Coast are a popular tourist destination for visitors. There are hundreds of them in the vicinity of Shushani Pithin alone, but only a few are accessible for those without the ability to fly.   Locals regularly host parties and other social events on the beach rather than in their private homes.
Shushani Flock Headquarters
The Shushani Flock's base of operations is located in central Shushani Pithin. It is a major industrial center, where goods are sorted and then distributed around the continent via the Chamatoye Railway.   It is also known as a creative and magical space, owing to the work of the painters, musicians, the Magi, and other assorted folks.
Uri and Areta's House
For the average visitor, Uri and Areta's house doesn't mean much. It has historical value since they are the village's founders, but it is unassuming architecturally speaking as far as Shushani Pithin buildings go.   It is a large home with a bright white stucco exterior with dark green accents. Uri and Areta rarely host events within the home since they prefer a quiet spot for themselves, but friends, family, and those in need are more than welcome.
Peli Flock Headquarters
The Peli Flock's base of operations is pointedly placed right across the street from the Shushani Flock's headquarters. Why? Well, their trades depend on the productivity of the Shushani Flock!   Rather than wait for the Shushani Flock to deliver, they beg ease the burden by remaining close at hand. Jokes aside, both of them are dependent on each other. No other flocks collaborate nearly as closely as these two.
The Magi's Workshop
Don't walk into the Magi's Workshop unannounced while they're experimenting if you're attached to your eyebrows. The most spiritually powerful and accomplished magic practitioners on Aravu convene together here to practice magic. Where here is varies, but it centers on Uri and Shushani Pithin.   Though the Magi proper are an exclusive bunch, they encourage every Yashelin to train in the basics of magic and spiritual manipulation. As such, each Magi has a sizeable list of apprentices and students.

Notable Residents

Settlement Type
Name Meaning
White Bluffs
Ezekoru (Central)
Citizen Advisory Board (Local)
Uri and Areta Maikir
Founding Date
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions


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