Haven Artisan Fair

Each summer, the artisans of Haven descend upon the border of Idelpol and Haven. It is the one time of the year that Havenites are legally permitted to sell their wares for money, rather than barter or gift. Citizens of Idelpol, and more from further afield, similarly descend upon the border to buy all sorts of novelties.   The most highly valued of Haven artisanware are its fabrics, which are renowned for their longevity and warmth. Of particular interest and value are the rare Haven Quilts, handsewn by the Laila herself, a few of which are sent out every year along with various artisans with a firm pricetag who are uniquely needful of an income.


Traditionally, Havenites are not permitted to make money. Practically, however, that simply does not work for any Havenite who ever needs or wants to travel outside of its safe borders. The first Haven Artisan Fairs were nebulously legal events held in the Queen's Plaza, performed in order to convince the Laila of the potential value of the event. She relented, on the condition that they go no further than Haven's border and that it not be a mere transactional event; cultural activities and games are shared between Havenites and Idelpolis over the course of the weekend.   The contents of the Haven Artisan Fair is mostly constant from year to year, such as leather crafts, fiber arts, and pottery. As the years go by, naturally, people pass away and the quality and appearance of these goods change. Any unusual artisan booths are usually attributed to those born and raised within Haven. Such artisans include, but are not limited to, Nanatu Zylpeiros, the toy maker, and Mason Verbena, the writer.


Havenites and Idelpolis alike await eagerly over the summer months for the Laila's announcement regarding the date of the festival, always announced a week before to give the artisans a chance to prepare their wares.
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