
Idelpol is a small city-state located on the northwestern border of Haven. It is regarded by many as the most religious city in the world. Lainism is the most common religion in the city by far, comprising 90% of its permanent residents. Should one include the pilgrims travelling to worship at the Idelpol Cathedral and/or seeking potential refuge in Haven at any one time, this number raises between 92% all the way up 97% during the holidays.

Points of interest

Idelpol Cathedral

  Idelpol Cathedral is the heart and joy of most Idelpol residents. According to traditional Lainist beliefs, the Idelpol Cathedral is demolished and rebuilt every one hundred years as a symbol of the impermanency of life and the ever-changing tides of cultural development. It is a major source of wealth for the community, in terms of both direct employment and indirect employment via the tourism industry.  

Idelpol-Haven Border

  The Idelpol-Haven Border is the only known entryway into the microcountry of Haven in the world. The actual entrance is usually closed, but the true sight to behold is the border itself: a giant wall of impenetrable magic, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, truly unlike anything else seen in Kivria which circles the entirety of the nation's border.  

Hall of Guilds

  The picturesque political and commercial hub of Idelpol. Half of the building is reserved for politicking, and the other half for the community's guilds to meet. It has a large clocktower attached that rings every hour on the hour, except between the hours of midnight and 4 AM. For this reason, the Hall of Guilds is affectionately/mockingly called the Idelpol Cock by residents.  

Queen's Plaza

  The Idelpol Cathedral and Hall of Guilds are both located opposite one another on the grand Queen's Plaza. It is the most popular hang out spot for residents of all ages; elders who dragged out their rocking chairs for the afternoon under large shaded umbrellas to gossip are as common a sight as children splashing in the fountain. Traditionally, no commercial activity occurs on the Queen's Plaza itself except specially licensed food vendors with lightweight carts and the shops along the edges, except for festival days.
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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