Nightly Curfew

"Due to recent events, all Yashelin under the age of 1000 years old are prohibited from being outdoors at night without an authorized caregiver present.
  Executive Order effective immediately according to the authority of all Serayin."


After a war that led to Heyir's exile, the moon ceased to rise in the sky at night and cast its ghostly, purple glow down on the residents of Aravu. The Serayin intended for this order to remain only a temporary measure while Uri figured out what was wrong with the moon and/or they managed to light the night in another manner.   This executive order was spearheaded by Coran, whose kabi had disappeared the evening after the end of the war along with the moon. While the group refused to agree with Coran regarding their proposal to limit the movements of all Yashelin, including lanyin, the Serayin could all agree that the youngest of their communities needed to be protected from the potential dangers a truly dark night could bring.   This executive order would later be codified into formal law, effective even after the Nightlighters installed vim-powered lighting for the streets at night.   The executive order and the law would be rendered obsolete with Heyir's reinstatement and the subsequent revival of the moonrise, though it would take a few years more for the law to be officially struck from the books.

Document Structure


This executive order and law placed the onus on caregivers to keep closer track of their young charges, rather than allow them to go out and play with their friends at night as had been the social norm previously.

Legal status

This executive order was codified into a formal law before the ten year allowance for executive orders wore off. This law is valid for all Yashelin who live within Aravun communities.
Decree, Governmental
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth


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