Osekan Coast

"Used to be that us and the ocean had an agreement. She steps forward, we step back. She steps backwards, we step back. It's a dance, but nowadays she's leaping."
— Concerned elderly citizen
  The southernmost coast of the Overos Continent has been inhabited since the dawn of Kivrian civilizations and has given rise to some of the largest known empires in its history. Today, the majority of these illustrious historical settlements now lie under the ocean. This is, in part, natural. The southern coast of Overos has always experienced a natural ebb and flow of its coasts. When the ocean moved further away, the peoples moved forward with it. When it moved inland, so too did its people as well.   In recent history, however, the ocean has encroached much further inland than ever before. Communities, such as the city of Oseka, have moved with it has their peoples have done before and likely always shall. The coast has now pushed them up against a small mountain range, unfortunately one that had been mined unsustainably centuries ago. Now, everyone is worried about the unprecedented amounts of coastal erosion that have only slowed a touch, living on less arable land, and oceanic natural disasters, not to mention the landslides and even flooding coming from the hills at their backs.   While attempts are currently under way to mitigate the impact of rising sea levels, there are too many citizens who aren't convinced that it won't fix itself in a few years time to get anything done. Even though the ocean never moved that fast to begin with.  
"I heard that some of the deeper mines are starting to flood. Serves those greedy assholes right."   "Um, that's not going to contaminate our water supply, is it?"   "Ha! Are you kidding? They're way over there and we're all the way over here."   "You mean a ten minute drive down the road?"
Overos Continent on the planet of Kivria
Notable Settlements


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