Pumpkin-Afina Soup

"Fuck me, that smells so good," Pio groans. "I haven't been able to smell a thing in a thousand years. Dear Lucille, Goddess of Soup, please, have mercy on me."   From the other room, Pio can't tell if Lucille is laughing at him or coughing. The moment the pumpkin, afina, and apple slurry is placed on his bedside table, he forgets that he cared one way or another.
  While this dish can be spiced up with a variety of other ingredients, the residents of Crevis would ask: why bother? The simplicity of Pumpkin-Afina Soup is part of its appeal!   Pumpkin-Afina Soup is the go-to soup the people of Crevis reach for when they start feeling under the weather, to the consternation of outsiders, who wonder what's wrong with a perfectly good chicken noodle soup... until they realize that chickens would immediately eat the poisoned plants and bugs and either 1) die or 2) die and bring the farmer who ate its meat down with it. Pumpkin Afina Soup it is, everyone! After Afina was discovered, every farmer on Crevis began to carefully cultivate it in their raised beds and on their windowsills as an essential household herb.   When Afina is heated, the herb smells overwhelming to anyone who does not have impaired sinuses. If you happen to have an upper respiratory infection, however, it smells like a garden of the most mouthwatering roses one has ever smelled, mostly because you know that relief is coming in the form of tasty soup. The only rule is to never add fruit to a bowl of soup at a dinner party, unless you're eager for them to leave. The scent of Afina combined with most fruits, especially citrus, is considered vile by everyone but the sickest of the sick.  
"Will you marry me?" Pio asks with a full mouth.   "I'm already your wife, Pio."   "Will you be my husband, too?"   "Shut up and eat."


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