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A quick bit of prose for Spooktober 2023. It needs some work, but it does the trick!   Eve, later known as Nanatu Zylpeiros, wishes that she could reverse a medical procedure she had done on her when she was a small child. This procedure rendered her infertile. Although the procedure had significant benefits for her wellbeing back then, it no longer has a purpose and has begun to bother her.   Eve asks Ozim Laila, the Ida's reincarnation, first. She rejects her request multiple times for reasons that Eve does not understand and that Oz is not articulating well.   Instead of accept no as an answer, Eve decides that she will stalk the halls of the Kotuye Library until she finds the Ida, the only place in which the Ida can be reliably found in corporeal form. Eve has little to no idea how unusual the Ida's presence in her life is, that there are many Yashelin who have never seen their own creator directly. Therefore, she is also unaware of what a huge deal this will be later on, first when her family discovers it.  
Eve makes extra effort to find the Ida within the Kotuye Library that entire day, stalking the hallways.   Eve doesn't score until late into the night.   “God?”   The Ida lounges in a comfortable chair, feet up on a table. “Hello, Eve. Why are you looking for me?”   “I, um, I... wanted to... Ask... How'd you know I was looking for you?”   “I have a sense for when I am being sought or invoked. What is it?”   Eve explains, in extreme short, what she wants: her fertility restored. “I know this isn't the kind of thing you’re known for. I’m an Astris, not exactly one of your creations, and I think you know who I’m most likely one day to… Yeah. I figured the worst you would do is say no?”   The Ida observes Eve closely, as if she is a bug under a microscope.   Eve stares at the ground and shifts, awkwardly, supposing that’s exactly what she is compared to it.   “Would you trust me, with such an act?”   “I’m here, aren’t I?”   “You do not trust me to name you appropriately, yet you trust me to give you the ability to create life, with one of my own as a partner?”   “Birth isn’t… You make it sound more solemn than it is.”   “Ha! You stand before me, the Creator, the Universe, and ask me to share in the power to create life. I am only giving birth, that happy accident, the significance that it is due.”   At that moment, Eve’s phone startles her out of her skin when it starts ringing.   It’s Oz.   “Can we… Can you wait a moment? This might be important. Not as, um, important, but y’know… Family. If I don’t take the call, it could cause some problems.”   “Yes. Go on, then, and I will wait.”
This section needs the most work
Eve leaves the area, out of the Ida's earshot.   “Hello?” Eve answers the phone, heart hopeful. “Mama?”   “Hi, Eve. Where are you?”   “Library.”   “Are you coming home?”   “Will you—?” The hope nearly keels her over. She is, despite her determination, scared out of her mind. She braces herself against a bookcase.   “Eve, I will not do such a thing. The imbalance is in your head, not in reality.”   “But what’s the difference? What’s the difference between my head and reality?” Eve argues, desperate now. “It’s real to me.”   Oz ignores her, “You need to come home. Petal’s worried and Esther’s beside herself. I’m sorry you feel so poorly, but you have to accept that some things are out of your control.”   Eve hangs up. Clearly, she has trusted the wrong 'God' all along. The Lailai's a farce of a Reincarnation; the Ida is real.

Eve returns.   The Ida sits in the chair, glacial in its patience and solemn in its regard.   “I have no further arguments on my behalf, except for the simplest: please, God?”   The barest of smile is cracked, but its tone is cold when it commands her to “Kneel and give your oath to me.”   Eve hesitates.   “Yes, I will,” the Ida translates, kindly.   Eve obeys.   The Ida rises to meet her.   When it caresses her temples, the world goes dark and warm.   Eve wakes up in her sanctuary, seemingly moments later.   The Ida stands above her.   “It is done.”   "Thank you," Eve whispers.   The Ida vanishes.


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