The Naming Ceremony

When Tikiran Yashelin turn 50 years old, they receive their True Name. These names can come with special abilities (and thus responsibilities) associated with them, or they may be perfectly mundane, but what truly matters to the mali and their family leading up to the gifted name is the ceremony itself.   The Name Ceremony marks the transition of a mali to a limited, though full member of Aravun society. Prior to the ceremony, the mali goes before their exploration committee for an oral assessment. This assessment is often highly dreaded from the mali, even though few have ever failed this test, and those who failed, knew they would from the outset. This assessment is merely to ensure that they are mentally ready to receive a True Name and handle the consequences thereof, especially since this ceremony also accompanies the revival of their memory of their past life before they died.   During the ceremony proper, mali are expected to kneel before the Ida. They are often, but not always, expected to sing to it. They then are asked to share their story. Based on the story and prior knowledge of the mali, the Ida then bestows their name upon them.   After the ceremony, their family and friends host a party celebrating the newest chapter of their lives. During the party, which is often hosted either at home or at a park, they are given gifts by close members of their community. Gifts from family are given later. These parties and gifts originated as a way to sweeten the burden of a name, since it has been known to trouble some of them, and what better way to distract them than with baubles!
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