
Vaspa was the loyal Uyoyan dragon of Areta Maikir. She stood tall and proud at approximately 4'11" ft (121 cm) tall with an 8 foot (242 cm) wingspan. Her feathers shone in brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow - a warning to potential predators not to mess with her and, when in season, an obnoxious siren call to potential mates.   On one hand, she used her intimidating size and beauty to ensure that no one would ever dream of harming a feather on her owner's head. On the other hand, she often got distracted by the task of guardianship in the pursuit of a good back scratch.   She remained Areta's companion until ve was taken prisoner at the tail end of the Astris Genocide. When she realized that ve would not come back in time to escape with everyone else, she ensured Hiko Inekiki's safety and then flew away. She was never seen again and is believed to have died.

Cover image: Vaspa by Midjourney


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