Virtual Library

The Kotuye Library and Education Center's (KLEC) Virtual Library provides its patrons with the ability to access select library resources from the comfort of their personal devices. It is an answer to a growing concern for information accessibility within the mazelike walls of Kotuye Library which contains not only millions of books but also exhibit and museum spaces.   This is a recent addition to the institution and is still in early development. The project is ran by a multidisciplinary team supervised directly by Zibibi and Areta Maikir.  


The mission of KLEC's Virtual Library is a work in progress. In its current iteration, the Virtual Library is driven by three specific goals:  
  1. To ease the burden on librarians and patrons by making it simple and time-efficient to search for items within the prodigal collection,
  2. To allow a wider audience to access the Kotuye Library and Education Center's vast collection of knowledge, especially those who lack the ability to visit in person, and
  3. To preserve knowledge in a secure virtual space for future generations.


All library patrons have access to the following library resources via the Virtual Library at this time:
  1. A catalog of the library's literature
  2. Detailed maps of each floor of the library,
  3. Classroom portals designed for Yashelin teachers and their students, and
  4. Updates regarding the functions of the Kotuye Library and Education Center, including temporary events, exhibits, and potential closures.

Coming Soon

Most library resources are still only available in person at this time. The catalog of literature, for example, does not include digitized versions of said works.   In the near future, the KLEC's Virtual Library will also include:
  1. The first wave of digitized literature, and
  2. A catalog of museum and exhibit artifacts.

Under Wraps: the Codex of Babikiye

Beta testers of the KLEC's Virtual Library, such as yourselves, also have access to our Codex of Babikiye. The present codex seeks to preserve the stories of our peoples beyond that which is contained within the Kotuye Library and Education Center's walls. The Codex of Babikiye is permanently staffed soley by Ezeki, who calls upon professional assistance only as needed since it would prefer it if everyone focused their energy on the rest of the Virtual Library first.
The library contains approximately 500 million items within its collections, some in dire condition. The library kindly requests your patience and understanding while we catalog and digitize every time with the care they deserve.
— A message from Zibibi, KLEC's Lead Librarian
"You mean one day I'll be able to do my research from bed? I won't have to walk a mile around the library to find the wrong book?!"


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Aug 11, 2024 16:58 by Paul

Google maps equivalent of the library map coming soon?   Loved reading about this article. I must have been hungry when working on the prompt because I never considered the decay of anything but food.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Aug 13, 2024 00:33

Ooooh, don't tempt me! :D   Thank you! Had a similar problem. I listed out a lot of ideas, most of them food, but this is the one that just happened to stick for me haha

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