Areta Maikir

This is a Summer Camp article. It's a work in progress, so don't mind the construction equipment scattered about and enjoy reading! Also, I am welcome to any constructive feedback.
The Ida created Areta as an experiment in free will, granting ver the ability to choose ver own path. With a scientist's mind and an artist's spirit, Areta engineered the magitech marvels upon which Aravun Yashelin society thrives. A short list of ver inventions include the Aravun Calendar, channeling spiritual energy into electricity with Vimstones, and Vimpads. Ve was also the leader of the Kivrian Project, exploring the unknown planet together with ver comrades.   Once, Areta had been among one of the most revered people in Aravun Yashelin society. Once, ve had lived comfortably in the embraces of ver lovers, Uri and Heyir.   The problem with Areta is that ve only has an aloof yet sweet demeanor most of the time. When ver back is to the wall, however, ver inner steel shines. In the face of the dissolution of the Kivrian Project and the impending Astris Genocide, Areta threw it all away to stand in rebellion against the Ida and protect ver community on Kivria. Whatever ve had managed to claw back after ver forced "second chance" was taken from ver during the Aravun Civil War.   Ver history-shaping actions have had significant consequences that Areta continues to grapple with today. Areta stood up on behalf of the weak during the Astris Genocide, and lost the respect of ver peers. Ve halted Heyir and thus stopped the Aravun Civil War in its tracks, but left ver body and spirit disabled in the process.   Much good has come out of ver choices, of course. Without the Astris Genocide, Areta never would have met Maikir nor embraced ver true identity as a Serayin. Without the Aravun Civil War, ve never would have founded Haven's Watch, found new love, nor experienced fatherhood. None of these positives, however, diminish the fact that ver choices have left deep scars physically, mentally, and spiritually, some of which will never heal right.  

Echoes of Another Spirit: Meeting and Losing Maikir

After the Astris Genocide, the Ida punished Areta by forcing ver to live out a short, miserable life on as a Henin Kivrian. When ve returned, ve was transformed yet again into a Yashelin. Ver memories were not restored until ve was 50 years old. In that 50 year interval between ver return to Aravu and ver restored memories, a second spirit took root within ver that refused to fade away.   This determined, naturalist young spirit made himself known as Maikir. Many people assumed that Maikir was nothing more than a symptom of Areta's insanity, but those who mattered quickly learned better. Maikir persisted, and grew up to be a relatively well-adjusted Yashelin youth with the support of Areta, Charo, Heyir, and other allies.   Over the course of his brief life upon Aravu, Maikir worked beside Chamu as a naturalist, stole the hearts of Areta's own lovers, and otherwise embraced his strange circumstances. He swore that no matter what Areta's past may have been, he would not let ver get in the way of his dreams.   The Aravun Civil War destroyed Areta Maikir's body and left their spirits in tatters. Ultimately, Maikir only lived a short while afterwards. After a painful fight to stay afloat amidst the chaos of Kivrian exile, Maikir disappeared. He slowly faded until Areta realized, suddenly, that ve was yet again alone in ver mind.   Areta refuses to give up hope that one day, when ver spirit is fully healed, that Maikir will return from wherever he is trapped.
Name Meaning
Invention; Dreamer
To Make Choices (Former)
To Facilitate Collaboration (Current)
Spiritual Color(s)
Dark green (hereditary)
Gold (acquired)
Yashelin, the 25th Idin
Kivrian Yashelin
Shushani Pithin
Romantic Partner(s)
Uri and Heyir
Ozim Laila and Esther Zylpeiros
Nanatu Zylpeiros
Former Decenir of Heyir.


General Appearance

Areta is a petite Yashelin person with dark green and gold feathers and, where visible, brown skin. Ver short stature and light build in combination with ver muscular wings allows ver a degree of agility and speed unattainable by many larger Yashelin at the expense of long distance flight.   Should one have a reason to see or feel them, ver hands and feet are a minefield of calluses, scars, and minor scrapes from a life tinkering with technology, whittling wood, or tending to the fields.  

Defining Feature(s)

  • Areta has a unique coloration that distinguishes ver from most other Yashelin, let alone the more muted colors of the Henin and Awassi. Ve has dark green feathers flecked with gold that cover ver entire body, minus ver bare face, hands, and feet.
  • A tendency to gesture wildly while ve talks. The more excited ve is, the more pronounced the habit becomes.
  • A thick, rope-light scar that runs from ver clavicle to behind ver right ear that ve received during the accident that led to ver discovering how to channel spiritual energy into electricity. Ve had personally requested that the medics heal the damage but preserve the scar specifically because ve knew that ve would (and does) love recounting the story when people - especially children - ask ver about it.

Physical Condition

To say that Areta is in poor physical condition would be an understatement. A hale and heart Areta and Maikir ended the Aravun Civil War when they intercepted Heyir's explosion of pure spiritual force. It should've smote both of them, body, spirits, and all into dust. Instead, the resulting bodily and spiritual injuries slowly murdered Maikir and continues to plague every waking moment of Areta's life.   Most of the time, it's the severe chronic pain and a guilt that convinces ver to push verself too far. Other times, it is migraines that turn into seizures that leave ver entirely defenseless. Rarely, ve feels almost like ve did before the explosion, but unfortunately the feeling is fleeting and leaves ver feeling more defeated than before. At the best of times, ve is high or heavily sedated, free for the most part of pain at the expense of ver executive function.   Ver condition has improved since the start of ver journey with a mixture of time, rest, and medical intervention. Ve doesn't enjoy a moment of it, but ve shows no sign of giving up.  

Special Abilities


The Ida created Areta as a blank slate in order to study free will and its effects on the Yashelin. This special ability allowed Areta to choose ver own path, specifically ver own name and purpose. Ve eventually settled on the name Areta Maikir, the Yashelin duo whose shared purpose is to facilitate collaboration.

Counting Time

Areta has an innate sense of time and duration, as if ve has a clock built into ver mind. Ve also has a strong affinity for numbers, often thinking in them rather than in words while ve works. This unusual power is a side-effect of ver power of choice, having emerged when ve considered the name Hetahi.


The power of dreams affects Areta through vivid, memorable, and symbolic dreams while ve sleeps. Areta also has an uncanny ability to identify the needs and desires that drive people and presenting ways to make them happen. This skill makes ver a formidable negotiator, especially in times of crisis.

Energy Sharing

Maikir had the ability to share his spiritual energy with other living creatures. He can also sap energy from them as well. He especially enjoyed using his ability to help plants grow and give small animals a boost of energy. It is the only special ability that Areta and Maikir did not share.
"Sometimes I think that if I had the opportunity to reset the clock, I would do it in a heartbeat... But then I think about all that we've accomplished. The people who have lived and died knowing only this. My daughter, mostly. I can't wish nonexistence on them, either, can I?"
  WIP Scaffolding


General Personality

Areta holds verself aloof from the majority of people. There is no intention malice or pretentiousness behind ver reserved exterior. Ve has limited social energy and ve seeks to save it for ver loved ones, often without realizing the distant or even intimidating air that ve puts off sometimes.   Other traits to pick out: reserved, inventive, permissive, playful, disciplined but also chronically exhausted.   If Areta is an exhausted old man who has seen way too much, Maikir is the bleeding heart of the operation. Maikir is also rather reserved, like Areta, but much more outwardly expressive and affectionate even with people he doesn't know well.  





Self Expression




Personal History

Current Status

Public Perception

Important Relationships


Cover image: by Bence Balla-Schottner


Author's Notes

Significant article... significant WIP! This is only public for submission purposes so I can move on to the other prompts, but I plan to come back before the end of Summer Camp and give ver a major facelift.

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