Democratic Republic of Ma'Holdran

The peoples of the Ma'Holdran Archipelago have always had an independent streak. Despite their proximity to the old Holtan capital at New Thaska, the islanders tend to think of themselves more as Caldaraan. There have been many small rebellions in the region for centuries, with the strongest emerging in the final days of the Dusk War. Backed by Union radicals, the Ma'Holdrans drove the forces of House Za'Ren from their islands, and even seized the largest port in the north of Abn'Tuzz. Some in the newly liberated state wished to spread the fires of rebellion across the continent, but in the interest of peace, it was decided that both states would join the new League of Hakara, and try to resolve differences diplomatically. Today, the Democratic Republic is only a member state in name, as the return of the Vi'Saan line has arrayed the rest of the League against their pro-Union ideals.


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