House of Coals

Baronic House: The House of Coals
Color: Gules (red)
Secondary Color: Or (gold/yellow)
Ordinaire: Saltire (a 'St. Andrew's cross')
Charges: Stars
Motto: “Learning of the heart must be guarded with iron.”   An economic power house on Holtan. The House of Coals extracts minerals from its region of the continent and has a few outlying facilities in partnership with IPS-N in the Shakas Ring. These are constantly being refined and are the raw materials behind much of the worlds industry. It is rare to find a mech that is built without any House Coal materials.   The House of Sand arrival in 4132 herolded the glory of Karrakis, and House of Coal were left to represent House of Sand interests going forward. For years they continued to deepen trade relationships with Karrakis and assist in construction of great public works.   Their power exists primarily in the relationships and intelligence networks that they have built in the Ju'ad system. Despite backing the losing side of the Great War they have returned to become a major faction and are poised to claim their rightful place in the system.


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