Sat, Jun 15th 2024 01:10   Edited on Wed, Aug 21st 2024 03:22

Private communications with Hisato Ibach-Dao - Union

to: Hisato Ibach-Dao cc: Ewy Evener; Stanislas Mallick   Hisato,   I'm relieved that you and your people made it out safe from T'wara. What happened was a tragedy and an attack on all of us: you, me and everyone in the system commited to future were everyone can thrive.   I'm trying to help those who have been harmed and keep this whole situation from escalating. That's why I need your help. Salvador tells me that what we need most from you are printers to build seawalls, roads, buildings and the manna to finance recovery. The CDB is already stretching as far as it can to save lives, but we can't do it alone.   That's why I'll be announcing the formation of the T'waran Weave, a mutual aid and defense coalition we're forming for everyone who has been or will be impacted by this attack - really for anyone working towards a better, freer future shaped by all of us. There's a whole tradition of artisans, master weavers, gone - along with a million other people in T'wara - and I want to honor that memory - to memorialize in action who we've lost and why we have to work together.   I leave it to you as to how much you can get involved in an organization like this - as a special member, you would only be involved in disaster relief efforts - but I know that whatever resources you can commit to us, we will use them to help those most in need.   And if you don't think it would be appropriate for Union to be a member in the Weave, I still would like Union to head up an investigative task force to look into who destroyed T'wara and Kapwa Station and attacked us so viciously. I'm in back channel talks with Princess Emilena Vi'Saan and she would be willing to join this task force under your supervision. So, I think as long as we're talking, we're not fighting and for now that's a win.   It turns out we have a little more work to do to live up to Union's utopian ideals, but I think we're both willing to bear that cost.   -Vician
Mon, Jun 17th 2024 12:07   Edited on Mon, Jun 17th 2024 12:56

Vician,   Let me start by sharing my condolences, and my grief, for everything that has happened. That such an atrocity could occur at the cusp of our greatest moment weighs heavy on the hearts of everyone here, and, if I may afford to be somewhat vulnerably candid, even in my duty to remain focused and clear-headed it is difficult not to view this as a personal failure of mine. However, even in our grief, we must keep moving forward, and, as you may imagine, I have been busy over the past month ensuring that every channel I have access to is put to use in not only repairing the damage but ensuring another travesty such as this does not occur again.   To that end, you can consider the printers granted, as a start, and I have already been working with Ewy to make the necessary adjustments to ensure your member-states have the financial support they need to avoid collapse, and that it can be found within their own borders. However, while I can and do fully endorse the creation of the T'Waran Weave, I cannot enter Union into a local defense pact. While I understand the purpose for the Weave (and again, do provide my endorsement in its formation), the Union Navy can only intervene contextually in a conflict by conflict basis- a well meaning defensive pact now could be wielded inappropriately in the future, and both the temptation and weight of that possibility is disproportionately affected if Union Naval forces are pre-committed. Moreover, as administrator, I do not have any actual authority in the Union Navy; at best I can act as an advisor, and even then only to a present authority.   Which brings me to my next point, one that will likely come to open summit in time, but I can warn you in advance, given the circumstances. I have already received contact from elements within the Union Navy in response to the attack- Union is poised to provide militant assistance if needed. However, I am all too aware of the scars the last Union battlegroup left on this system, scars that would be no doubt reopened and possibly made even worse if that authority were to be wielded again. For this reason, I have made efforts to stall any official Union military presence in the system, but if things continue to escalate, I will not be able to hold them back forever.   For this reason, I am in agreement on the formation an investigative task force, and have already made steps to ensure Union's contribution: not through the Administration Department, but through the Department of Justice/Human Rights. As we speak, a team of experts are being assembled to handle the matter with both finesse for the local values and customs and a devotion to justice. Because no parties have been fully cleared yet, I cannot speak on this further, but you will be contacted by one of their people soon.   I assure you, no matter what happens, Union will not take this travesty lying down. My capacity to act is limited for now, but I have no intention to watch idly as the situation deteriorates further. We will restore the comfort and security that was so violently ripped away, and we'll bring it to everyone. In the meantime, be sure to take care of yourself as well.   We'll talk again soon,
Wed, Aug 21st 2024 03:22

Hisato,   Coming with a warning and a favor to ask.   First, the warning: I fear broader conflict is about to spill out among the large actors on Holtan - namely, House Vi'Saan and the Congregation of OLORUN. The escalation we both fear may be coming, so be prepared. I fear further political complications for you, in your position mediating between Union and the Baronies, should the House of Coals begin to act on its continued military buildup, to what ends I still don't know.   Second, the favor: the Weave is doing everything we can to help those impacted by the ongoing environmental catastrophe, but there are still so many who need our aid. Frankly, we need all the help we can get.   And one last thing, any updates from your investigative task force?   We'll all keep doing what we can for one another, -Vician