Fri, Jun 21st 2024 07:41   Edited on Thu, Jun 27th 2024 11:52

Public remarks delivered by Chancellor Vician Ordo on the ground amid rebuilding and relief efforts in T'wara

The T’waran Tragedy was an atrocious attack unprecedented in Holtanese history. We have all lost loved ones and I mourn alongside all the people of Holtan today.   Heinous actors have murdered over one million people in an attack that continues to unfold as we weather the the fall of Kapwa Station.   And yet, the dream we all came together to celebrate lives. Our dream of a better future lives. Our dream of abundance and belonging, that all voices may be heard and that all hands may shape our common destiny lives.   Hope lives because all of us are struggling together to assure our present freedoms and our future flourishing.   It is in that spirit that I announce the formation of the T’waran Weave, a mutual aid and defense coalition. The Caldaraan Confederation, the Ju'Ri People's Republic, Cartasa, Tanepa, Saularia, and New Skani have come together as its founding members. The Congregation of OLORUN and the Red Lily Corporation alongside the Caldaraan Development Bank, as special members, will be coordinating humanitarian relief efforts to ensure equitable support without competition for people who have been or will be impacted by environmental effects caused by the fall of Kapwa Station.   People have said that the attack on T'wara was a sign and it is. It is a sign that powerful, violent people are afraid, afraid of us and the future we represent. In their fear, they have struck out in an effort to terrorize us and turn us away from the future we dream of.   In our own fear and grief in this moment, we must not, we will not lash out blindly. To that end, we have created an investigative task force and will uncover the truth and ensure justice for all those who have died.   I welcome all those hurt in this attack to join us, to join the T'waran Weave. And not just those, but all people who have the courage to work towards a better future for us all.   And so I humbly ask for your help because our wellbeing is bound up together, because no one is free until we all are free.   Join us. And in times of trouble, let us cling together.