The Green Arms Ethnicity in Badiseta | World Anvil
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The Green Arms

The passes in the northwest of Badiseta hold a moderate amount of abhumans, splinters of the human race that have evolved separately from the majority. The Green Arms are tall, light-greened skinned beings who construct deep living halls within the rock of the Vernid Mountains. They seem to have access to a wide variety of numenera, giving them a higher technological level than abhumans elsewhere in the Ninth World.   This unfortunately means that they also have access to weapons beyond normal abhumans. Several times a year--most often in the weeks after winter--Green Arm patrols move into Badiseta. While they do kill humans who act as obstacles, Green Arms aim to slaughter the livestock of the region. The corpses are not taken back into the mountains, nor are they used to immediately feed patrols. Rather, one of the animals seems to have been designated as the subject for unknown medical testing. One of the herd has blood drawn from them as they die, as well as field biopsies performed.   No one knows why this is done. Often, once a subject is identified and tested, the patrol moves back into the mountains. It has also been noted how patrol members will give up their lives protecting the member performing the testing.


Major language groups and dialects

The Green Arm language is not known to residents of Badiseta, but several individuals speak an accented form of it. They will not disclose how they learned the language.

Common Dress code

Green Arms are named for the bindings they place around their arms: layers of wide leaves that are wrapped around their limbs. The leaves are never dried, giving individuals brightly colored save for their torsos.   Green Arms tend to wear heavy-soled sandals constructed from the hides of animals found in the mountains.

Art & Architecture

Any who approach Green Arm lands sees how the people have shifted their space for themselves. Trees are shaped into elaborate, twirling shapes while stone is shaped or sanded into impressive works depicting abstract objects.


Gender Ideals

There appears to be no genders amongst the Green Arms. Observers have been unable to discern any major differences between individuals, aside from slight changes in the color tones of individuals.

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