The Veiled Master

An overpowering scent of a perfume that appears to be made largely of rose oil is the first thing you notice of the Veiled Master's presence. Only then do you realize the twitching shadows that seem to squirm in expectant ecstasy as he approaches you. Every step is accompanied by a snuffling sound as if he were detecting an unspeakable stench - and that stench emanates from you.

The Veiled Master is a mysterious personality that has only emerged over the past few months. Although no one can be found who has met him in person, rumors about him and accounts of his actions are everywhere. Little is known about his goals or the person behind the mask.

Known Activities

The name "Veiled Master" first appeared on the 7th Mistreach 1189 SA when a young prostitute disappeared without a trace after spending the night at a new client's house. When her disappearance became known, both the Ravenspire Post and Raven's Messenger received letters in which a certain Veiled Master claimed responsibility for kidnapping the girl. He left no doubt in the letters that the girl would not be found.

On the 11th Harvester 1189 SA, the book "Code of Shadow Reign" was stolen from Darkwood Academy. The book was on loan from a lower noble family and is considered irreplaceable. According to the owners, it deals with entering into a physical union with a shadow being and producing offspring in that state. The owner banishes the information it contains to the realm of mythology.

During the month of Stormreach, Darkwood Academy saw an increased level of cultic activity. An examination of the places of worship where this activity was measured revealed inscriptions and cult symbolism, which in turn refer to a certain "Veiled Master". Activities continue to increase, eventually ending abruptly after the summer solstice. At the same time, several young women disappear without a trace. Initially, the victims are prostitutes, but later also daughters of the poorer families in the city. The Raven Guard begin their investigation.

In the last month, seven other young women have been abducted. The total number of women who disappeared rose to 18. No suspicious cult activities have been registered and investigations into the abducted women have stagnated. The only clues the Raven Guard have are clues to the Veiled Master, with no clear indication of who or what it is.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

The Veiled Master wears a delicate silver mask, that hides his face while still showcasing the aristocratic features and his immaculate skin tone. It almost seems as if he's vain, and wouldn't want to be confused for an ordinary cultist. His black clothes - usually a fashionable suit - are tailor-made and look pretty expensive. The delicate embroidery on the cloth showcases roses and vines of some sort. Even while standing in a dark and muddy alley, he will always appear immaculate.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Current Location
apparently male
about 1.85m

Cover image: Susanne Lamprecht via Midjourney
Character Portrait image: The Veiled Master by Susanne Lamprecht via Midjourney
This article has no secrets.


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Jul 20, 2023 21:27 by Dani

Excellent article Davina!! Very evocative intro; my players would be so freaked out.

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Jul 20, 2023 21:34 by Susanne Lamprecht

Hrhr, I hoped so! I loved thinking about him and developing him. He will be the most fun villain to play!

Vampire loving servant of several chaotic forces.

Current Project: Die verlorenen Legionen

Jul 21, 2023 08:21 by Keon Croucher

Very fun villian and well developed in this introduction to him....well we assume its a him. Do we know for sure? In truth we know only what the Veiled Master wants us to know thus far.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization