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Sazdin's Vassals


Sazdin's Vassals believe that Sazdin is the greatest of the gods and goddesses.

Public Agenda

They attempt to uncover the secrets of the human body and its physicality.

Mythology & Lore

Sazdin was a goddess, daughter of Hunera (god of earth) and Abris (goddess of plants).   Sazdin was a small child fiddling about with mud and sand near a beach. Eventually she created a humanoid figure and was playing with it. She found a small leaf and stuck it in the head. Later, she scooped up some water and splashed it on the figure. It started falling apart so she reached up to the Sun and took a bit of fire to warm up the figure. A spark landed on it and it burst to life. She started talking to it and playing games with it.   Later, Abris came to collect her and found that she had created lots of the little figures that were dancing and leaping everywhere. Abris was shocked; no god or goddess was allowed to create life without permission from the Council. She absorbed the life from the leaves on each figure's head and they all dropped into piles of mud. Sazdin started to cry but Abris soothed her and tried to contain her panic at what would happen if someone found out about the incident.   Many centuries later, Sazdin was out of favour of the Council because she had taken permission to create life but had made a creature the Council didn't like. She had called it a platypus. Her father tried to calm them by telling them that it was her first time making life and she was still young so she borrowed features from other creatures. The Council was still angry and punished her so that she would never be allowed to create life again.   Sazdin was embarrassed and infuriated so she went back to her childhood beach and created some figures. She made many of them, all with slightly different shapes and sizes. Then she brought them to life. And she spread them all over the planet, grouping some into families.   She realised what she had done, and hid from the other gods and goddesses in fear of terrible punishment. After a few decades, Abris found her and told her that the Council was not angry with her. Abris and Sazdin went to the Council and they told her that the figures she had made were more unique and seemed to be making lots of progress. She told them that they were humans.   After many centuries, Sazdin made new, updated figures with better features, and she repeated this whenever she found something interesting that would help them.

Granted Divine Powers

Sazdin's Vassals are gifted with an extended understanding of their bodies and physicality and are even given extra powers that can help them. Vassals have been found to breathe fire, develop wings of air, and walk on water. All blessed vassals are given the power to communicate with platypuses.

Fli'sazdin rui shenna

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