Xechnámeter Item in Bailse | World Anvil
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The xechnámeter is new technology that is used for reinforcing memories to heal amnesiacs. However, there are debates about whether they are ethical and safe because the memories shown to the patient are curated by doctors.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The xechnámeter looks like a virtual reality headset and uses similar technology. It shows the patient a carefully curated series of virtual reality settings. The scenes shown are made up of lost and retained memories. The headset also sends pulses of healing magic to reinforce the memories. Some patients need reinforcement sessions as often as 3 times a week while others need them twice a year.


The xechnámeter is plays an important role in the medical field. It helps people with amnestic syndrome to gain their memories.
Creation Date
24th February, 2024
750 grams
Base Price
800 mave

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