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The gift of life was given unto Balfadore to establish a purer good in the multiverse. Those who choose to sacrifice their life to rid the plane of corruption and evil shall leave a mark upon the fabric of history. For those who endure the lash and drink the poison to spare others of suffering are the beacons which light the path to peace.  

The Drinker of Poisons

Hushae was once a mortal creature, living as a humble servant of Eraah. A great and mysterious darkness began to seep into the terra and pollute the waters of her land, sickening her people and leaving many mad with voilent, painful afflictions.   Hushae ventured into the Forbidden Darkness beneath the scars of Eraah's face. Within the cavernous darkness, a great terror was permeating from a lake of blue-black blood too massive for any mortal creature to comprehend. It was the source of the darkness plaguing the surface world.   For days, Hushae ruminated, agonizing to find a way to drive this darkness back and save her people whom she cared for so profoundly. Exhausted, with no solution in sight, she began to despair. She thought that if her people must suffer, she would rather consume the darkness than allow it to consume them. She began to drink and drink, ignoring the agony it wreaked upon her. The water cleared, the darkness retreated, and the Hushae's mortal body was no more.   Dominion: Poison, Altruism, Alchemy, Blood   Description: Her pallid form is outlined with snaking rivers of deep red, great spines flow from her back and head, her eyes hooded by an elongated, white helm, holding a red, two-pronged spear, bearing the mark of the great darkness she imbibed upon her exposed heart.  

Core Beliefs

  • War and the needless death it brings is a corruption of life.
  • To sacrifice one's own life in protection of the weak is the purist path to peace.
  • Those who make others suffer for personal gain are undeserving of life.

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