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Deluge (Dee-Loo-j)


Deluge is a Tidal Marsh situated between Balkria, Kisar, and Siraf on the south-east coast. Deluge is a large area spanning multiple junctions between 22 rivers that rise and fall revealing precious gems and Marock left behind. The area is constantly streaked with water and hard to traverse. The rivers are freshwater stemming from a large river created from the Kisakan mountains, and it empties into the Siraf sea. Majority of the land mass is sand, silt, and clay creating an amber hue on the water emptying into the sea.


Home to a multitude of amphibious creatures and predators that govern them. Many dig out caverns where they lay their eggs to keep them safe in a sudden flood. Plant life has evolved to grow within the waterlogged area and some even create mats of plantlife that tether themself to an area to avoid being swept into the sea. The aquatic plants have even developed a root system that stops absorption of water once in contact with the higher salinity of the sea.

Localized Phenomena

The area is incredibly prone to flooding due to the sea tide, upriver storms, or even the mountain's exessive runoff.


Hot and humid climate.

Natural Resources

When the levels finally recede, denziens can see the tell tale shine of many of gem, or if lucky Magock, gleaming on the surface of the ground. Net fishing is also a profitable venture in the area, but the risks are still high.


Siraf and Kisar originally shared Deluge, and would avoid getting in another way, until the Holy Empire of Balkria invaded the shorelines and tried to claim the area for itself. Due to the volatile nature of the land, the claim was shortlived, and the area has been constantly contested ever since.


Many races come seeking a fortune, and many end up losing their lives due to the constant skirmishes within. The only Inn is The Jeweled Coffin which lies a mile upstream and remains neutral to the constant skirmishes, the Inn having said to be protected by a Sea Dragon, causing everyone to be wary of inciting drama.
Alternative Name(s)
Del, The Jeweled Coffin
Coast / Shore
Location under
Contested By


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