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The Tragedy of Will the foolish

Not a story the skeletons would tell you.

This is a common story told to children in Ellosin to teach about listening to elders. While variations exist, this is the most common one.   In Zarazir there lived an ordinary boy named Will, who was around 14. He loved playing around and causing mischief around town, to the disapproval of his mother and father. He got into trouble day and day again. He did all this to prove his bravery to his friends.    One day Will was out on a trip to the mountains of Hell. He was with his father to hunt for food. When they reached the mountains his father told him not to attempt to climb the mountains, otherwise he would die. After a day of hunting the two were sitting at a campfire. While his father was sleeping, Will sneaked away. He wanted to tell his friends about his bravery when he came back. He started to climb and climb up the mountains, grinning and laughing. But when he reached the top, he heard a chilling sound. Will saw a skeleton carrying a bow, aiming at him. An arrow flew through the air and struck his heart, killing him. His limp body fell all the way down the mountain, hitting the ground below. The next day his father found his body beside the mountain, and grieved long. For he lost his son due to Will's foolish inobedience. Ordprediktion


A foolish boy named Will went against his fathers wishes and climbed up the mountains of Hell, and was killed by a skeleton. Ordprediktion


It is a widespread myth, being commonly used all over Ellosin.

Variations & Mutation

In the original myth Will was 20, but he is commonly aged down to 14 to make the myth more potent towards younger listeners. The location of Will's origin is sometimes placed to the hometown of the listener, but it is usually Zarazir.

Cultural Reception

The story is quite famous and beloved as a tragedy in most places in Ellosin, being a key story for many young children. It has been discussed and analyzed, some viewing it as an overly harsh and mean-spirited tale, while other find Will an entirely unrelatable protagonist deserving of his punishment.

In Literature

The myth has been turned into many a poems and books. A famous example is "The Tragic tale of Will" extends it by adding many scenes of Will committing Mischief and even a romance subplot for Will.

In Art

The story has inspired many famous artworks, many residing in the art gallery of Zarazir. Some famous examples are "The fall of a foolish boy", showing the death and fall of Will, "Will hunting", showing Will hunting with his father and "Grieving of a father" showing Will's father holding Will in his arms, grieving.
Date of First Recording
Roughly year 1300
Date of Setting
In the middle of June
Related Locations

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