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Human subjects drawn from Strahd's conquered lands.   Native Barovians have been terrorised for centuries by the one they call "the devil Strahd." Only a handful of them have the will to oppose him. Barovians congregate in the valley's three main settlements - the villages of Barovia and Krezk and the town of Vallaki - for fear of falling prey to wolves and other beasts that prowl the woods.   Barovians are deeply invested in their homes and their traditions. They are wary of strange peoples and customs. Barovians have a tendency to stare openly, in silence, thereby expressing their disapproval of anything that isn't familiar to them. Barovians aren't talkative with strangers, to the extent of being pointedly rude. Most Barovians have violent tempers that boil up through their customary silence when they are provoked. They also have a social cohesiveness (thrust upon them by their weird circumstances) that can make them act together against outsiders if a Barovian is mistreated.


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