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Yester Hill

After Defending Wizard of Wines from the Blight Druids The party follow the advice from Davain Martikov to travel to Yesterhill and deal with the druids once and for good. Red was able to follow the hidden trail the Blight Druids left.   Yesterhill stands over 400 ft tall with 4 main levels around rising around the hill. Black stone Cains circle the hill higher levels. The party tried to sneak up Yesterhill but were spotted by Blight Druids and Feral Wildmen who attacked them with no warning. The party were able to defend themselves and on hearing strange chatting coming from the top of the level continued up.   Hessia decided to blast the 50ft tall wicker man built in the image of Count Strahd Von Zarovich. The Druids took this as a sign from Strahd too start the ritual on the Gulthias Tree. Now the party must fight for their lives.


Atop the hill is a wide ring of black boulders and smaller rocks that collectively form a makeshift wall enclosing a field of dead grass. Lightning strikes the edge of the ring from time to time, illuminating a ghastly, fifty-foot-tall statue made of tightly woven twigs and packed with black earth. The statue resembles a towering, cloaked man with fangs.

Fauna & Flora

At the south end of the hilltop is a sickly copse, a grove of dead trees and shrubs with a huge, misshapen tree at its core. Blood oozes like sap from its twisted trunk. Skulking around the tree are six gangly' humanoid creatures covered with needles. Embedded in the tree is a shiny battleaxe, beneath which lies a humanoid skeleton.
Mountain / Hill
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