BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 14. Of Mice and Grape Mash

General Summary

The zombie lurches forward and scratches and bites at the Constable. As the pain washes over him, he has a sudden realisation that he has not been in his right mind for the last 24 hours, and has a new focus. But the pain… the pain… Surrounded by wolves, Alyric sends two more to sleep, slumping into a magical slumber. He turns in satisfaction, only to see the remaining wolves flood around Bernard and bring him down, eyes closed, bleeding from his arm and leg. First Vass, now Bernard… things are not looking good. He goes to Vass first to revive him, who scrambles behind the wagon for cover. 30 feet away from the wagon, Ireena shoots one more of the wolves dead with her crossbow, and then shouts to the zombies standing over the bodies of Vass and Bernard and shouts “you want me?! Come and get me!” Distraught, Ichabod yells “Ireena, no!” He dodged the zombie that has ambled toward him to get in between Ireena and the other zombie. With one hand aimed at one zombie and his arm cannon at the other, he blows them apart. Silence. Alyric recovers Bernard, sensing that he is old self again. Bernard comes to. When no one is looking, he checks a wound in his side that was inflicted by the zombie. It feels ragged and festered. He covers it back up, not saying a word. Ichabod hurriedly checks the wagon for anything useful, and notices that the wheel had but cut in two along a straight line… curious, but there were more pressing matters. There was perhaps an hour of light left and they had not reached Valaki. At a pace, they run the rest of the journey. Everyone but Esper seems to keep pace, but Esper is having trouble catching her breath, her legs feeling heavy. Slowly through the trees a walled town… city?… comes into view. The party approaches the closed gates, and are addressed by two guards standing at the top of the battlements. Heads of Wolves adorn the walls. “Who are you and what’s your business here?” “Mah nayme… is Alryric Brightshield… and ah imploooore you to allow us uh safe passage into yowr city…. We have heard… it’s a safe haven form the Devil…” “We do have St Andrade Church, father Petrovich is there” “DC Bernard Clomper at your service!” “And where do you hail from Mr Clomper?” Uhh…. “He comes from Barovia!” Interjects Ichabod. The guards seem more suspicious than ever… This is not going well either. “And you boy, who of this group is your parents?” “None of them… I don’t have… I’m a… a… Monster Hunter…” “Bwa hahahaha! A Monster Hunter! You’ll be in high demand!” “An apprentice monster hunter really… I’ve…” Vass speaks up. “Vass. Self employed.” “Self employed he says! What do you employ yourself in?” “Hunting and trapping mainly.” “We have enough hunters in here, we have no use to amateurs” Vass draws a dagger, flips it to hold it by the blade and throws it directly into the head of a wolf near them. “Well well well, a hunter you are! You should meet the Soldarovich brothers at the Krashlyk Inn! They may have use of you.” Esper steps forward. “I am Arykan Yunker. I possess magic far more powerful that you can imagine. And I will kill the Devil." The guards are taken aback at this statement, not quite sure what to do with it. Finally, Ireena announces herself. “I am Ireena Indirovich. Daughter of Kolyan Indirovich, former Bergermaster of the Village of Barovia. Sister to Ismark Indirovich, current Bergermaster of the Village of Barovia. And I am seeking safe refuge” The guard raises his torch, seeing her for the first time. “I’ve never met…” and the sentence is never completed. “Are you against Str…” he catches himself. “… the Devil, yes or no?” He waits until everyone response affirmatively. “Open the gates” As they step forward, Ichabod whispers to DC “better keep your sword sheathed in here”. He in sheathes it an inch to show that in the darkness, it has started to glow, producing a brilliant moon white light. “Sign in here please”. Closer up the group see that the guard they have been speaking to is sporting a fantastically thick moustache, hiding his mouth. They sign a book stating their names and occupations. He introduces himself as Tartolov. “You are guests of Baron Vargas Valakovich. You stay here at his pleasure. You will follow our three rules, or you will be thrown out, arrested, or worse. Follow the rules, and you will find that this town is protected from the reaches of the Devil and you will be safe.” “Rule 1 - do not speak the Devils name” “Rule 2 - a festival is held here every week to celebrate our saviour Vargas. Attendance is MANDATORY. We have just finished up the Wolfs Head Jamboree, and in a few days will begin the Festival of Blazing Sun.” “Rule 3 - No malicious unhappiness! It will be punished!” He states sternly. “But you don’t seem happy?” “I am happy. I am always happy” he monotonously states. “The baron is good. Everyone is happy. NO MALICIOUS UNHAPPINESS” “Finally. Do not interfere with our law keeping. That is our job, not yours. Through the rule of the Baron, and his father, and his father before him, Valaki has been safe from the Devil for 100 years - he has not set foot here. If you need a place to stay, I recommend the Blue Water Inn, you will find a room and food.” The group look down the main stretch into tow. Wolves head on piles line the roads. Tattered bunting hangs from one to the next, some old, some new, some half hanging off. Torches line the way into Valaki.
Report Date
04 Oct 2024


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