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Chapter 16. The Mad Barons Tea Party

General Summary

The group, shaken, make their way to the Burgomasters house. In the town square a puppet show has started, with children watching, mesmerised. A punch and Judy style show, with 3 old woman puppets with black cloaks. "Hubble Bubble, we need a child for our pot". As it plays out, with a child being taken, eventually the town guard kill one of the 3 old crones, and state "The Coven is broken, attack!". A gentleman emerges after the show, dressed like a carnival ringmaster… with pointed ears! Ichabad recognises him as Rictavio, and asks if would have a drink later in the inn to talk, which he agrees to. Arakan uses message to speak with him, which appeals to him. Outside, Barnard senses undead at the top of the house. Izek lets them in (Ireena is not with them - and he has returned to his usual threatening self). They are told to wait in the breakfast room. Along the hallway there are various bundles of sticks laid out in preparation. Various drab townsfolk are being served tea, politely drinking it with nervous smiles, by the Burgomasters wife Lydia Petrovna. She has nothing but good words for her husband and the town, but speaks in a highly strung, anxious way. The house is clearly the centre of festival preparations. Barnard sneaks about upstairs on his way to the loo. He bursts in on the Burgomaster (a tall but thin and in elaborate armour, flanked by two mastiffs) berating a local man. Izek stands glowering in the doorway opposite the Burgomasters office - slamming the door in Barnards face. He dismisses the man after hearing Barnards name - the knows the names of the whole group already, and invites them up. Alyric does his best to put the man at ease about their presence in town. The Burgomaster is eager to impress and find out more about them. He asks if they would be willing to investigate a local noble - Fiona Wachter - whom he suspects of devil worship. He believes she has meet with Strahd and is plotting his downfall, but has no proof - this he asks the group to gather. He says that two of his servants have gone missing in recent weeks, and he suspects this is linked to her. However, he presses that he is not his father - law and order must prevail, and he would not wantanly punish his citizens. Ichabod asks what evidence he has so far, he expliains that she has been meeting high and mighty people in the town, and aalso has met the devil himself. When he expresses his distate for Vistani and their banishment from the town, Araken cracks, angrily 'suggesting' he change his tune and allow them in. He doesnt take to the suggestion, but no argument insues as Arakan follows this up by charming him. He offers 200 SP as well as an invite to being guests of honour at the upcoming festival. He also suggests that Ireena should consider his 15 year old son Victor as a suitor, to keep her safe, and to be a noble match. As they leave - Ichabod asks the group - "how are we going to tell him that it is his wife that is Devil worshipping?" Alyric, shocked, asks him to explain. "The letter in the Durst house - address to the Durst wife, from Mrs Petrovina. If not her, then it would be an ancestor". However, the dates do not work out - the letter could have been from hundreds of years ago… The group leave the house, Barnard checking again the origin of the undead (still from higher than them, in the house). They skirt by Wachterhaus - it is decrepit, falling in on itself, ancient - but do not go in. They regroup at the Blue water inn to pick up Ireena. She has been reading, happily - and writing to her brother back in Barovia village. The teen in the doorway is behind the bar. Danika makes her wave to the group as they leave for the day - which she does with a pained expression. The church is at the eastern end of town, the windows bear the sun symbol of morning lord, and figures of saints. Inside, a weeping old lady sits in the front row, a few other locals sit quietly in the pews. A aged preist, broad shouldered and wearing simple robes - is speaking to his parishoners. Seeig the group he approached. He discusses the loss of Ilyan Indirovich, Ireens father, with her - he has not seen her himself since she was a child - he knows her name already. He discusses Vallaki, clearly showing distaste for the burgomaster and feirce faith in the morning lord. He says that the Burgomasters belief that happiness keeps strahd out is nonsense - if Strahd has not been within its walls in 100 years, as the guards said at the entrance, then it is because he has not wanted to. Asked about Fiona Wachter he says noone in town is without secrets, but says no more. He accepts Ireena s request for sanctuary - stating with certainty that Strahd and his minions cannot set foot in St Andrals church, even if they can set foot in Vallaki. A small boy (Yeska) and a larger, moody, unhealthy looking teen (Millivoj) set to work preparing a cot in the vestry for Ireena. She says she will see the group in the daytime - she feels safe enough within the towns walls to wander in the day. The group note a gravestone set into the floor near the altar - 'St Andral - protector of Hero's'. The date, Barnard pieces together, is some 675 years ago. With the dates now mention, the team calculate that the Durst House was from around 650 years ago… 25 years after the death of St Andral.
Report Date
04 Oct 2024


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