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Chapter 17. In Search of a Vintage

General Summary

At the church, Alyric asks the father for any knowledge of a hospital, or place for sick people. "No… not hospital. I do know of the orphanage, which is just opposite here". After discussing the morning lord for a while, Vass comments that it seems the morning lord doesn't seem to be doing a huge amount around here. "He looks down through the clouds, even if we cannot see him". The father invites Vass to the daily communion should he feel he would like. Ichabod says his goodbyes to Ireena, telling her they will visit. She says that she will come to the inn and meeting us, there is no reason to be a stranger. However the father does say that it would be best if she spent as much time as possible in the church, for it is the only location where she is truly protected. They say their goodbyes, and on leaving Ichabod hands her a ball bearing from his pouch, which he has enchanted to make it smell like the lily from her garden in Barovia. After leaving and walking past the Wachter House, Vass suggests he breaks in. However, the group feels this is rash and suggest that we first find out the Lady's movements first and gain some intelligence before making a move. There are ravens on roofs of almost every building, but on the Blue Water Inn there is a considerable gathering. Vass tries speaking to one, feeding it a crumb. "Food? Yes Yes" says the raven. "Strange Ravens - Problem?" says Vass "Friends" "why there?" "comfy." "Passing the time? "what is time?" "trouble" "always trouble…. Especially magpies. Trouble trouble" "OK. If you see any bad menn come, tap on my window. That one. I will giv eyou more food" "Food. Bad men. Light hole. Yes" And it flies back to the roof. Once inside, Ichabod asks the children if they know anything about the doll that belongs to Arabelle, the vistani granddaughter. They say it's made by a Toymaker, Blinsky, who has a shop in Valaki. The group orders dinner - Barnard refusing the Wolf Steak option due to being a vegetarian, and Ichabod due to not wanting to become too much a burden on the hosts.. As Vass cuts through his rare steak, Ichabod stares both longingly and perhaps repulsed at the same time. Barnard strikes up a friendship with a very drunk, armour wearing guard Lars, and someonhow manages to come up with an agreement where Barnard borrows the armour, and brings back the guard 2 bottles of grapemash wine. Through his drunken stupour he also mentioned he has a friend, Blutto, who is lost. He was a bad fisherman, but had something that apparently would bring him luck. Alryic bumps into one of the very drunk nobles, who they have seen before at the Inn. They take great offense, but Esper make them beileive they have defacted themselves. Meanwhile Ichabod is taking his chance to speak to Riktavio, who they find is a man from Faerun, and who has heard of many of the places they have come from. How much is his showman personality and how much is true I sunknown. Ichabod broaches the conversation about Strahd and the Smiling Man prophecy. He seems not too bothered about Strahd, he simply seems that it's good business that people need to be entertained. He does not know of any other people who have a monkey in Barovia - the climate is not good for them so you won't say many about, if any… Esper asks about Mt Baratok. He only knows of it thorugh bits of stroies, nothing he could make a story about himself. He asks Ichabod where he is from, and recognises the name. "Secomber - Near Daggerford, yes?" He says a number of years back he travelled near Daggerford. He announces he will go for a walk. Barnard messages to him "I see you…" to which Riktavio responds "I see you too my friend, and you are a handsome man!" Esper suspiciously follows him, into a stable. He is doing nothing but bringing an apple to his horse Drusilla. Tha night, Vass wakes upto tapping at his window. A human sized Raven is tapping on it with his wing. Outside there are lots of other small birds, flying towawrds the church. He looks at his hands, tand they are not hands but feathred wings, and he is a raven too. He flies out the window to follow them, with thunder rumbling in the dark skies, with the odd lightning flash. Towards the church the weather is getting worse, until it appears to start falling in on itself into a black void. The thunder becomes louder, the lightning brighter, and from it comes something on wings, a figure… He wakes up, sweating. A Raven - normal sized, is tapping on the window. He gives it bread. On high alert, he goes down and scouts outside. The inn is stil busy, so he couldn’t have been asleep for long. He doesn't find anythign out of place. Before dawn they recive a knock at the door. A packed breakfast is handed to the group as they head West. They sneak the guards armour out inside Ichabods Bag of Holding, and outside the gates they suit up. After half an hour they ycome to the Luna River cross roads: North: Baratok East: Valaki & Ravenloft South: Berez West: Kresk &Tsolenka pass The guides with them - one who chooses not to speak and the other speaks for them both. "you do not want to go to Berez. It was destroyed by the devil. It is a swamp now." They then come to the Raven River Cross roads, about 3 hours in. North: Kresk(over some arching stone bridges) East: Valaki South West: The Wizard of Wines The guides say they will wait at the crossroads. Down towards the winery, Vass spots 4 figures, standing stationary at the side of the path. Divine sense picks up nothing. The figures are scarecrows. Esper tosses a firebolt at the closest one, which comes alive and screams, evidently hurt by the fire. They all charge the group. Feeling they have the upper hand, as soon as the scarecrows approach they start to become paralysed one by one - first Esper, then Ichabod. It does not last long, but each time at least on of the group is held still, unable to act. However, the team use as much fire as possible and eventually destroy each one, including the last one that tries to escape….
Report Date
04 Oct 2024


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