BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 18. The Vineyards

General Summary

With the scarecrows defeated, the team looked around at each other and surveyed the damage. Ichabod investigated some of the remains, and, finding scraps of flesh amongst the straw, determined them to be constructs of some sort. Someone had created them and put them there…the question was who, and for what purpose? Were they there to simply scare people, or to attack anyone who came down the path. DC pointed out that we had attacked first, perhaps they were friendly and were acting in self defence; Alyric wondered if he was still feeling the effects of Strahd’s bite. Nevertheless, they continued on the path toward the farm.
  Not long down the road they saw a cloaked figure, standing nervously, staring in their direction. They approached with caution. When they were 20-30m apart, Vass stepped forward, “We’re looking for the Winery?” The figure, a woman, as the group could now clearly see, flinched. “We’ve come to help. I swear it on the silver goddess.” Alyric backed up Vass. “You want to help? You’ve come to…help? Really?” “Yes m’lady. We’ve been sent by Irwin.” At the mention of the affable inn-keeper, the woman visibly relaxed. “Irwin sent you?” a smile almost crossed her lips, before she regained her composure, “you better come with me.” As they walked back to the winery the woman explained that she was Stefania, Irwin’s sister and that she lived on the farm with her husband and children, her brother, Adrian and her father Davian. When quizzed about the scarecrows (“they’re definitely not a line of defence”) she said that they had been attacking the winery in small numbers for a while now, but that they were the least of their worries, informing the group that the winery had been under attack for the last few days from ‘Wild-men’ and blights. She seemed impressed when she found out that the gang had disposed of 5 of the straw fiends. As they approached the winery she made it clear that her father would make up his own mind as to their offer of help, but they would do well not to bring up Irwin.
  Moments after they arrived, a tall Burly fellow stepped through the treelike on one side of the encampment. This had to be Stefania’s father, Davian. He took one look at the travellers and his morose face grew even more sullen. “What are you doing here? GET OUT!” He fired at the new arrivals.
  After a somewhat unsteady start, the group assured him that they had arrived with good intentions. “We are here to help” “We’ve been sent from Vallaki!” “We know there’s an issue with the wine and we know how much happier people are when their belly’s are full of the good stuff!” Davian, through gritted teeth, thanked the group for their offers but insisted that they could manage on their own, “as we always have done.” He explained that the farmhouse on the far side of the vineyards had been taken over by some riff-raff, who looked as much plant as they did person. He had seen at least three different “wild-men” one of whom wore antlers atop their head. But it was nothing that the family couldn’t handle…if only his son would return. He had ventured out to investigate why the wild men had shown up in the first place and had been gone a few days. Davian grumbled his face at the mention of his son, he’s tough visage broken for just a moment. “I don’t even know why they’re here! Maybe they like wine! Fuck if I know,” he despaired.
  After much back and forth, DC began to lose his patience with the man. He attempted to use all his years of experience to intimidate the old man…and failed miserably. “Show us this vineyard and WE will decide if we’re capable of flushing out your plant problem or not!” Darvin did just that and left the group to it, muttering over his shoulder as he made his way back to his family. “He was quite the insufferable individual! Now. Let’s see what we’ve got here…” DC surveyed the vineyard.
  The vineyard was a shell of its former self. Some vines looked dry and damaged beyond repair. The land itself was swamped with what appeared to be large plants that had a life of their own: these had to be the blights that Stefania had spoken of. On the far side of the Vineyard rose the farmhouse, its roof visible above the mesh of green below. unable to fly (yet!) there was only one way to the building, across the vineyard. A plan (of sorts) was devised. Ichabod would set his little robot friend stomping across one side of the patch of land, holding a ball bearing that would be making a cacophony of sound, whilst the group made a mad dash across the other side. Simple, in theory. Less so in practise. The robot did indeed attract the attention of much of the field, but glaringly not all of the blights. The group ran for their lives toward the onrushing plants. With little to no knowledge of what they were encountering, unsurprisingly damage was taken by various members of the party. Vass did manage to disguise himself as best he could to the description of one of the “plant people” that Darvin had mentioned, but having not seen one himself, the morning lord alone knows how close his guess was. However…make it to the farmhouse they did, and not a moment too soon as they crashed through the open side of the loading deck, past a stationary cart and through a broken door, slamming it, rather pointlessly shut behind them. None of them stood around long enough to see whether the blights would follow them through, but they were granted a momentary lull to catch their breath.
  DC, unable to stay in the corridor for long, stepped into the main hall of the farmhouse, finding 4 large vats inside, the lowest of which was empty. This must be where they mixed the various grapes that the vineyard produced. Vass was quick to follow him and first to spot a woman druid on the far side of the room standing on a landing above DC. Without a moments hesitation he dashed forward, springing atop some large crates, bounding up to the woman and quickly dispatching of here in a flurry of dagger strokes. It was easily one of the more impressive displays of swordsmanship that the rest of the party had witnessed. The whole thing took mere seconds. Unfortunately they weren’t the only ones who saw it, as a mass of twig like insects crawled in the space beneath the empty vat, hampering out of sight. After a quick moment of deliberation about blocking, first, the initial door that they had rushed through, and then the second door that entered into the main hall, Alyric made his way upstairs, followed closely by Ichabod and Esper. DC, worried about what may or may not have crawled under the empty vat, attempted to, and succeeded in plugging the hole with some of the scraps of wood that lay around the floor of the hall. He held it in place, as whatever was seemingly growing below him tried to force him to release his hold. He held firm and steady before the pressure from within grew to the extent no man could contain it. “ASSISTANCE NEEDED!” he cried, to no-one but everyone! Looking around he saw a door behind him, with seconds to make a decision, he let go of his hold and made a mad dash for the door. He found himself in a small back room, with various bottles and tools scattered about, and, importantly a staircase leading down, further into the house, but away from whatever he had been contesting in the main hall. Not one to miss an opportunity for some snooping (cue Pink Panther music) he couldn’t help but have a quick look around the room. Unfortunately finding nothing of note, he made his way down the stairs towards the basement.
  Meanwhile, upstairs Vass sneakily made his way past the corpse of the druid he had just maimed and explored the balcony hall way. Seeing an open doorway at the end he positioned himself such that he could see into its depths, quickly spinning on his heel, so as not to be seen by the druid within and the three blights that accompanied him. Perhaps there was more to see elsewhere! On the other side of the building, on the same floor as Vass, Ichabod stepped past Esper and Alyric to peer where they had come from. Unlike Vass he was unable to evade the gaze of the druid he found, “erm..theres another one of those people through there! Maybe we can appeal to his senses!” he said. “Very well,” Esper replied and stepped forward on to the balcony over looking the cart they had rushed past only moments earlier. “You there! You are surrounded, stop this silliness at once!” She waved her hands around her as magic emanated from her person towards the druid. Unfortunately her suggestive words did little to quell the creatures thirst. “HA! You think you can stop us. We - that have the power of the blessed one coursing through our veins! Don’t make me laugh!” Alyric gave Ichabod a wink, “Perhaps my words shall have more sway,” he too strode on to the balcony. “Come now! You do not have to die here today. By the grace of the Lady Selune, we can all walk out of here with our lives intact.” He beamed his most charming smile at the druid. “Pah!” The druid spat on the ground at Alyric’s feet, “I shit on the Lady Selune!” He shouted, raising an innate black, crude staff above his head, uttering an unknown language as he did. Suddenly plants sprung out of the ground around the three party members, vines holding their feet firm to the ground, just as the Druid himself jumped off the landing down to the floor below. Alyric’s face transformed in a flash. “You…what? How dare - YOU SHALL NOT LEAVE HERE ALIVE!” He yelled back at the druid. Esper, containing her emotion better than her friend, managed to wriggle out of the vines and pushed her hand deep into her bag pulling out a scroll, “I’ve been wondering when this would come in handy,” she smirked. She quickly read through the words on the parchment and raised her hand above her head as three bolts of fire sprung from it, striking the druid with enough force to knock him off his feet, somehow still breathing as he lay there in a crumpled heap. She turned to Alyric and gave a knowing smile, “The Constable needs us,” she said, before popping out of sight. Alyric growled at the space where the druid had previously stood, his rage proving enough to aid him in his struggle out of the vines that tangled his feet. He stepped forward looking down at the man below. The druid barely moved as he locked eyes with the scowling dwarf above. He spat through bloodied teeth 'Our lord will hear of this! He has eyes everywhere, don't you think he wont't hear! He is the Ancient. He is the land! He alone carries the power of the ladies three!' Alyric climbed atop of the rail in front of him, smiling at the druid. “I made you a promise friend, and by the silver goddess herself, I am a man of my word.” The last thing the druid saw was the dwarfs large buttocks rushing through the air towards him as Alyric dived from the balcony above, breaking the mans spine as he landed with a thud atop of him. He looked to the side of the now dead Druid and spied the black staff he had held. It appeared to have blood oozing out of its pores. He picked it up, and made his way to the main hall. “Erm…guys? I’m still here!” Ichabod looked around him, suddenly finding himself alone. He struggled free of the vines and peered over the edge of the balcony, seeing the crumpled heap of the druid below, his back bent around the side of the cart. Ichabod shuddered and, seeing no more enemies to face, made his way back to the stairs and down to the floor below, and then further still down toward the basement where he found Vass waiting behind an open door. Hearing the footsteps behind him he turned as quietly as he could, raising one finger to his lips, as he pointed with his other hand through the doorway, “Shhhhhh! They’re in there!”
  Downstairs, Esper, rushed into the open hallway, expecting to be greeted by the sight of DC, instead finding herself face to face with not one, not two, not three but four giant swarms of twig-like blights. With no way of escaping their reach she swung out her Quaterstaff at the closest swarm. Thankfully, Alyric ran through the door, clutching the black staff, mere moments later; the dwarf placing himself back-to-back with his elven friend, conjuring the now familiar ghostly moons-hand 10 feet away.
  (Cue pink panther music)
  DC Barnard Clomper made his way down the stairs and found himself in heaven, a fully stocked wine cellar. As he started to peruse bottles, checking dates and vintages as he did, he realised he was not alone. On the far side of the cellar, stood a druid with rather impressive antlers atop his head, and almost equally impressive plant creatures either side of him. He appeared to be muttering to himself and rooting around looking for something. He turned his head as he noticed DC for the first time.
  The Constable, not one to be overawed by a situation, smiled at the fellow and exclaimed, “Ahh! Hello there. I’ll take a glass of your house red, please!”
Report Date
04 Oct 2024


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