BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 26. Burning down the house

General Summary

The combat inside the walls dies down. Attention turns to the getaway who had clambered over the walls, avoiding the lightning moments before.
  Adrian starts climbing the statue with Vass’ crossbow to get an angle on him - Ichabod sees this as a good idea and rushes past him, getting to the shoulder of the statue once again. He sees the runner and shoots, hitting him in the back with a bolt of fire. As he wheels around, to see where that came from, a second bolt of force hits him in the chest and his lifeless body skids to a halt in the dirt.
  Meanwhile Barnard and Alyric nullify the last berserker by sending him to sleep, and tie him up and drag him to the rest of the group to decide what to do.
  The others are trying to work out how to get to the gem stuck inside the statue - it’s covered with dark roots that seem hard to cut through. Ichabod recognises it as similar to the wood the staff was made of. In poking it, his hand comes into contact and once again he feels it latch onto his life force and suck it away. Calling out in pain and stepping back, Vass steps forward. “Shall we burn it?” He says, getting out his flash of alchemist fire.
  Esper wholeheartedly agrees, throwing flame after flame at the roots. Eventually it creaks and comes smashing down to the ground, the roots loosening enough for esper to pluck it out with a proxy ephemeral hand.
  Attention turns to the sleeping warrior. Barnard stoutly announces that he is a prisoner of war, and in our care. Counterpoints are raised that we need to escape, and he knows what we look like, and leaving our enemy alive risks our safety. Adrian confirms that the prisoner will inform the others, no matter what he may tell you on waking.
  While the arguments continue on, the wiry figure of Ichabod walks over to the unconscious body, points his cannon at his head and fires.
  The group are shocked.
  “Let’s just get out of here…”
  On the way out, in a way to divert attention from the scene that just unfolded, Alyric asks Ichabod if he’s able to decipher the Druidic runes on the axe, knowing that the effect of the ghost residing within him has offered him some level of understanding. The word “blood” stands out, along with Druidic names. Could be an old magic, but it’s not clear.
  The team pick up the pace, deciding to come down the way they came up. It’s just as difficult to descend, but the first slope they manage to scramble down, and see that they have the drop on a small squad of Druids. Swiftly they take them out, and continue down the next slope. Barnard and Alyric stumble and loose some rocks that tumble down the hill, alerting a small group of Druids below.
  Ichabod and Vass whisper “let’s just run, we just need to get out of here!”
  Alyric points out that his shorter legs will not put him in good stead for outrunning them, and so they get themselves ready. Ichabod hands Adrian a dagger. “I hope you’ve used one before…”
Report Date
04 Oct 2024


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