BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapters 31 & 32. The Wachters' Mum Has Got It Going On

General Summary

Alryic’s journal
  I’ve yet to meet a wizard that doesn’t believe they’re the smartest person in the room…truthfully, invariably they are. Either way, I assured the group that Esper would be fine. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already sat at a table in the Biuewater waiting upon our arrival.
  Ichy seemed worried about her, and who am I to discredit his fears, better for him to learn himself that the whims of wizards are rarely in line with the thoughts of others. They have they ways, and those ways are usually correct.
  I just say it is nice to spend some time with Barnard. The man appears to be exceptionally astute, I believe I can learn a great deal from him.
  Upon arrival at the Bluewater, needless to say, we were given a heroes welcome. The wine delivered and served it was time to regale our tale to Urwin. We spared some of the meatier details, but he seemed happy enough.
  There was a moment,,, just a moment…where we discussed his exile from his family. Barnard and I both encouraged him to repair the damage and make amends. It was not longer before I was taken to one side and told that father Lucien was looking for me. Urwin himself offered to walk me the short distance to the church. As we walked I discussed a little more in depth about what Davian had told us about the Martikov’s. I told him his father had told us everything, but Urwin wanted specifics – and I obliged. After that Urwin didn’t skip a beat as I told him all Davia had told us, and even went so far as to offer his help as well. I once again encouraged him to patch things up with his family.
  Lucien was waiting upon my arrival, so too was Ireena, who I must say was a sight for sore eyes. After exchanging pleasantries and assuring her she could accompany me back to the Bluewater (she seemed most interested in the welfare of young master Icahabod, if I do say so myself), Father Lucien and I stepped to one side. We discussed the natures of our faith. He is indeed a most pious man. I am overwhelmed by his trust in the Morninglord, it is nothing short of inspiring. I only hope that I show the same credence to the good lady; that I am an example to all that hear my words. We spoke about Kresk and the old hospital that once was the beacon of all hope in the area. The ‘Abbey of St Markovia’ he called it.
  Apparently the Saint herself assembled a great force to combat the devil only to come up short. She even lost her partner prior to battle. That being said, yes Strahd did indeed win, but at what cost? Perhaps he was weakened in some way.. Perhaps there will be a clue at the old hospital about the power of the Saint Markovia; Kresk, by all accounts, is not far, I believe it would be worthwhile us investigating further. I must tell the rest of the group what I have discovered.
  Vass’s diary:
  OK so we got out of the attic at least. I don’t know what happened, but Esper can’t half get herself into trouble. Will have to keep a close eye. She can barely stand now – better get her back to the Bluewater for a lie down and something to eat.
  We pass the Blinksky Toy shop on the way up to the Inn – Ichabod seemed interested but judged our priorities right, given Esper’s state. We support Esper back, and put her to bed. We head downstairs, catch up with Danika. She wants to know what went down in Yester hill and I tell her – seems like Barnard told her about Adrian getting tangled up in blood magic. Anyway, looks like the wine was delivered successfully.
  Finally, time to eat. We are both famished. I offer to take Esper a bowl of soup – she doesn’t answer the door though. I mutter something not entirely polite about women…which is overheard by a girl in the next room…Elsa, daughter of Urwin and Danika. She seems lonely, stuck in her room all the time, keeping out of the way of her parents. … The idiots from last time are still here – barely looks like they’ve moved at all. Of course, Ichabod wants to go over and make friends…
  These pricks are awful. We’ve given them drinks and tried to have a nice chat, but all they do is look down their noses at us. I’m getting fed up of all the crawling you have to do in Valaki, first to the Burgomaster and now to these two. Don’t they know I could cut them down before they could even stand? So what if their Mum’s a big deal – we don’t need their help. I can’t remember what they said, but it was the final straw – someone has to stand up to them. Might have been a bit rash though (when they said their mother would hear of this, I might have replied that I’d tell her this evening, from a…compromising position…). Rush of blood and all that. Shit, I didn’t expect them to draw swords – I don’t want to cause any more trouble. Still, they’re so drunk I doubt they’ll be able to lay a finger on us.
  We duck and dodge, keeping out of reach, trying and wrestle them to the ground, but they’re strong even if they’re clumsy. Urwin shows up just in time, disarms the big one and kicks them out. Danika is not impressed.
  We don’t seem to be in too much trouble, phew. And look – he even left his rapier behind, that might come in handy. If that noble fucker is as rich and important as he says, he’ll have no trouble getting another. Urwin didn’t seem over keen on letting us have it but a few choice words and he seemed willing to overlook it (good bloke, Urwin).
  Alryic returns – he seems in good spirits.
  Alric’s journal:
  Ireena and I arrived back at Bluewater ready for a drink or two. It should be noted that I believe Isek (the Burgomaster’s fearsome henchman) has a fascination with the dear Ireena – she mentioned he had been lingering outside St Andral’s Church while we were away. Whether it is good or bad I cannot say.
  Ichabod and Vass had finally shown their faces…are they, cleaning themselves up? What happened whilst I was away? And why were those Nobleman in the street so upset? And where on earth is Barnard?! I enquired after Esper and they assured me she was fine and upstairs resting. Seeing the look on Ichabod’s face when he saw Ireena, and indeed the rush of blood to his cheeks, I decided to leave her in his wise hands and check on Esper.
  Having made my way upstairs I knocked on her door and was welcomed in. I must say I am jealous of very little that has to do with elves but their ability to rest in a trance like state, well now, that does leave me green with envy.
  I spoke with Esper. I do not know exactly why but I feel a connection to her. I feel a desire to open up to her. I told her of my past, of the Order of Amn. I shared how I was once aligned to a great wizard, how I was tasked with protecting her, tasked to focus on the small and tedious, thus enabling her to put her mind to great things. I offered my services in kind to Esper. She thanked me and expressed words of thanks towards the silver lady and her goodness. I didn’t inform her that the Order and my service there was my past, and Selune and her guidance my present. Perhaps I am beginning to see a future whereby the two can become entwined. Regardless, it feels good to be of use to someone again.
  I left Esper in peace and made my way back downstairs.
  Vass’s diary:
  Alryic emerges from Esper’s room - glad she’s in good hands. He settles back at our table and gets stuck into conversation with Urwin.
  I do feel a bit sorry for Elsa – seemed awfully gloomy. Everyone needs a friend, it’s no way to be, on your own without someone watching your back. Pretty sure I saw some of the local ravens nearby – I’ll ask one of them to keep an eye on her.
  I went outside and spoke to one of the locals, Two Sticks, who seemed friendly. No blue plume this time though - wonder where he got off to. Long story short, she was keen for a friend and some food. I spoke to Elsa. Took me while to get her to understand what I meant. Bizarre - what could be simpler than you scratch my back I’ll be your friend? She seemed pleased enough though, and is going to keep leaving food out. They’ll take care of each other - a happy arrangement.
  Still don’t get Elsa though, she was friendly enough, but made me… confused? Nervous? I’ve set her up anyway, so can avoid getting tongue tied again and leave her be.
  I headed back down to join Alyric and Ichabod, and who should come in but the major domo for the mother of the two louts we tangled with earlier. Whatever happened, it doesn’t seem to have caused too much trouble, because she was inviting us for dinner. I was half way through my plate of wolf, but I’m not going to turn down a free meal - 7:30 tonight it is!
Report Date
04 Oct 2024


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