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One of the leaders of the Vistani camp—the brothers Luvash (CE male human bandit captain) and Arrigal (NE male human assassin). If you used the “Plea for Help” adventure hook, the characters have already met Arrigal. Luvash is the older of the two and the brother whom the other Vistani fear most. Each brother carries a key that unlocks one of the padlocks of the treasure wagon (area N9i).   Dealing with Arrigal. Arrigal is a much more dangerous creature than his brute of a brother. If the characters have something in their possession that is either useful or harmful to Strahd and Arrigal becomes aware of it, he tries to deprive the characters of this item, stalking them if necessary and going as far as to kill one or more of them if he thinks he can escape with the item in his possession. If he succeeds, he takes one of the riding horses (area N9d) and delivers the item to Strahd at Castle Ravenloft.     Chapter 5 Player Hook: Luvash is punishing a Vistana named Alexei (CN male human bandit with 3 hit points remaining) for failing to keep a watchful eye on his daughter. The characters’ arrival distracts Luvash, and he forgets about Alexei long enough to play the role of host—until such time as the characters become tiresome or threatening. Alexei blames himself for not watching the little brat more closely and has accepted his punishment. If the characters try to rescue him, he screams at them to stop, not wanting to appear weak in front of Luvash and Arrigal.   In addition to Luvash, Arrigal, and Alexei, there are six intoxicated Vistani (CN male and female human bandits) lying unconscious in the tent. A drunk Vistana awakens only if the Vistana takes 5 damage or more and has at least 1 hit point remaining afterward.   Dealing with Luvash. Luvash is unhappy because his seven-year-old daughter, Arabelle, has vanished. She’s been gone for a little more than a day. Because everyone in the camp was drunk and Arrigal was away, no one remembers seeing or hearing anything strange. Luvash is determined to find her, no matter what the cost, and most of his camp is out scouring the woods when the characters arrive. (Missing from the camp are twelve bandits. Each hour that passes, 1d4 of them return to camp with no news on Arabelle’s whereabouts.)   If an alarm is sounded, nine Vistani bandits (NE male and female humans) emerge from three of the surrounding wagons (area N9g) and arrive at the tent with weapons drawn in 2 rounds.   Luvash won’t meddle in the characters’ affairs without Strahd’s consent, and he is quite content to let the vampire deal with them. For a hefty price, he offers to sell the characters potions that allow safe passage through the deadly fog that surrounds the valley; he keeps them in the treasure wagon (area N9i). The potions don’t work, of course.   If the characters rescue Arabelle from Lake Zarovich (chapter 2, area L) and see her safely returned to camp, Luvash is overjoyed and offers to repay the favor. He doesn’t sell them the fake potions. (“Um, they aren’t as potent as they could be.”) Instead, he lets them choose a treasure from the Vistani treasure wagon (area N9i).   If the characters ask something of the Vistani but have not earned Luvash’s goodwill, he agrees to do business with them if they accomplish one of two tasks: either find his missing daughter or procure six barrels of wine and bring them to the camp. Luvash suggests they can get the wine in Vallaki, or go straight to the source—the Wizard of Wines winery. He isn’t picky when it comes to the quality of the wine.   Argynvostholt's Special Event: Arrigal's Hunt Ezmerelda d’Avenir (see appendix D) arrives at Argynvostholt on the back of a riding horse stolen from the Vistani camp outside Vallaki (chapter 5, area N9). She has heard that the reportedly haunted mansion might harbor enemies of Strahd and contain secrets to the vampire’s destruction. Once she arrives, Ezmerelda releases the horse (which flees back to its camp) and quietly makes her way through the mansion until she reaches the characters.   Hot on Ezmerelda’s trail are the Vistani leader Arrigal (NE male human assassin) and two Vistani bodyguards (CE female bandits). Arrigal rides a black riding horse, while the bandits ride two dire wolves. These dire wolves are servants of Strahd and can’t be charmed or frightened.   Arrigal is determined to capture Ezmerelda and haul her back to the Vistani camp to face punishment for horse theft. He does nothing to antagonize the characters, however, and returns to the Vistani camp if he can’t convince them to give up Ezmerelda. For more information on Arrigal, see chapter 5, area N9c.

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